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Fishgirl 12-23-2008 05:47 PM

Hiding blue tang???
Hi everyone, I have a question about my blue tang, I bought him about 2 weeks ago and he is EXTREMELY shy, he never comes out from under his rock except to eat really quickly and then darts back under the rock.... is this normal for these guys? I've had ones before that never did this? Anyway to help him with his shyness so he actually comes out and swims in the tank? I'd like to see my pretty blue guy.

Thanks Jennifer

IluvHockey 12-23-2008 05:57 PM

It is normal, although with time it shoul pass. Try not to turn down the lights in the room, it makes it easier for the fish not to see you. There is a reason why LFS have the fish room basically unlit or use actinics only.

naesco 12-23-2008 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Fishgirl (Post 371083)
Hi everyone, I have a question about my blue tang, I bought him about 2 weeks ago and he is EXTREMELY shy, he never comes out from under his rock except to eat really quickly and then darts back under the rock.... is this normal for these guys? I've had ones before that never did this? Anyway to help him with his shyness so he actually comes out and swims in the tank? I'd like to see my pretty blue guy.

Thanks Jennifer

What is the size of the tang and tank?
What other fish are in the tank?

Fishgirl 12-23-2008 07:47 PM

He is a sm about a toonie size maybe a tad bit bigger but if so deffinately not by much in size, very thick and healthy little guy. My tank is a 33gal its longer in length then in height. And the tank mates are 2 sm perc. clowns and an orchid dottyback, all very peaceful fish, I have 3 med size pieces of live rock in there.

naesco 12-23-2008 09:23 PM

Within a few days your tang should have become used to the other inhabitants. Has the dottyback been chasing it?

Tiny regals are skitterish. Maybe adding another live rock that has a place for it to hide will help.

Sometimes new reefers approach the tank frequently searching for the new addition and unwittingly stress the fish. If you are doing this, stay your distance until the tang gets used to you approaching the tank and when you do feed and she will get the idea. (If she is one of those tiny ones you need to feed her a little but feed often and see she is getting some.

Merry Christmas
Wayne Ryan

Fishgirl 12-23-2008 10:09 PM

Hey Wayne,

Well he's not teeny tiny but he's small about 2in I kinda measured him well he was out eating lol. But no non of my fish chase him at all, I have a VERY unusally calm and peaceful orchid dotty, she never harasses anyone even when they GO IN HER CAVE lol as my lovely lil percs, like to go in and out of the shell the dottyback lives in. She never really cares. Kinda strange as others I've seen are extremely territorial. So no one is chasing or harrassing my Blue tang, I want to put some more LR in, I guess the more hiding places he has maybe the more secure he'll feel and come out more. He's such a beautiful blue tang, so nice and thick and bright, if I could get a picture I'd post it. I really appreciate all the advice thank you,

Merry Christmas,


Originally Posted by naesco (Post 371131)
Within a few days your tang should have become used to the other inhabitants. Has the dottyback been chasing it?

Tiny regals are skitterish. Maybe adding another live rock that has a place for it to hide will help.

Sometimes new reefers approach the tank frequently searching for the new addition and unwittingly stress the fish. If you are doing this, stay your distance until the tang gets used to you approaching the tank and when you do feed and she will get the idea. (If she is one of those tiny ones you need to feed her a little but feed often and see she is getting some.

Merry Christmas
Wayne Ryan

chevyjaxon 12-26-2008 12:05 PM

oh boy umm 30 gallons tang? quick call the tang cops:lol: 30 gallons is kinda small for a tang if you intend on keeping it long i would upgrade to atleast a 90 gallon tangs love to swim and eat and are poop factories ime give it time it will learn where the food comes from and will no longer be afraid good luck

tang daddy 12-27-2008 04:35 PM

my blue tang was about 1 inch when I got it which is smaller than my blue eyed cardinals when it first went in it hid for about a day, when my hand goes in it hides in between the acropora trying to blend in like one of the branches, so cute. It constanly grazes on the rocks with my golden rabbit fish and thinks the rabbit fish is his wife following it everywhere around the tank. It takes mysis no problem even when he was small but now has tripled in size in less then a month. I have always loved this tang however thought they were hard to keep because they got ich easier and only ate meaty foods, however mine only had ich for 3 days and eats algae aswell as gut packed mysis I try to feed my reef every other day and alot.

good luck with your BT

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