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dsaundry 12-20-2008 07:55 PM

Brrrrrrr!! Time for temps??
So; with the current deep freeze thats hitting us about everybody put down the temps at their location and has it affected them in any adverse way...
Here in the "Wack" with the wind chill we are at about -20c..-11 without.
Windy and we had some power failures..tank at work dropped down to 68F
but everybody survived the drop...
So post your temps and lets see what cold really is.....:lol:

Patrice 12-20-2008 08:46 PM

It's damn cold up here. Everymoning, I hope my truck will start. I also lost my gloves and hope to get some for christmas (I hope my wife will read this :mrgreen: )

Otherwise, the real down side of winter here is not the temperature, it's the sun. With only 5h of sunlight, I don't go fishing too much and I'll wait a month of two before to go winter camping.

At this time of the year, the weather outside goes from -30C to -40C without wind chill. With some wind, it can easily get bellow -50C.

fdiddy 12-20-2008 09:30 PM

Saskatoon's been -30 to -40 lately.

fishoholic 12-20-2008 10:20 PM

-23 right now and it's supposed to drop to -32 tonight.

banditpowdercoat 12-20-2008 10:30 PM

-35 in 100 mile hse this morning....

Trigger Man 12-20-2008 10:39 PM

Minus 20s here and with wind chill we have been in the minus 30s. Can't wait for a chinook.

dsaundry 12-20-2008 11:22 PM

Dang...there are some chilly temps there...where are all the Tobins?I remember Portage and Main area as being chilly too....Oh and The Peg is my home town so although its been 30+ years I remember it getting a little on the frosty side....:biggrin:

Lance 12-20-2008 11:46 PM

Global Warming, my ass!

Patrice 12-20-2008 11:49 PM

:lol: Yeah, it's quite cold every where

saltynuts 12-20-2008 11:56 PM

-30 in stony plain now
wind chill -40 tonight

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