cvermeulen |
12-17-2008 03:25 AM |
FS: Custom equipment - lighting, W/D filters, FBF, Algae Scrubbers, Lighting, ETC.
Hello... I'm not well known around this site, since I'm mostly a FW guy, I stay on the FW sites. however, I'm a mechanical engineer, with some free time, and a light wallet. I love designing and building things, and I've done a number of tanks now, for myself and for a couple of customers.
I can build acrylic tanks, reseal/rebuild glass tanks, I can do tank stands and inwall carpentry as well. I've built wet/drys, algae scrubbers, fuges, lids, overflows, dividers, and so on.
I've also researched a great deal about inexpensive high output lighting (ODNO T8, and so on.) Right now I'm running an ODNO setup on my 200gal FW. I've posted this ad on BCAquaria, but I figured the big hitters for custom work would be in the marine league so here we are.
Here are some shots of the last tank I built for a BCA member: