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xtopher 12-16-2008 10:10 PM

Custom 120
Hey all, I have been in the process of setting up my custom 120 gallon for the last couple of months and thought I would share it with you. There will be lots of pictures so dial-up beware:biggrin:

xtopher 12-16-2008 10:26 PM

Here's the tank in the crate. I had it built by Concept Aquariums in Edmonton. Overall I am very happy with the quality of the tank. It was built exactly to my specifications
I removed the carpet from the wet room and discovered that there was some old 70's sticker tile that was stuck on VERY well. after attempting removal with a manual scraper I resorted to electric
I decided to put 2-part epoxy paint on the floor which was pretty easy and I was pleased with the result. I then began construction of the stand
It is standard issue 2X4 construction. The stand in the pic had something wrong with it so I rebuilt it without all the brackets but you get the idea.
The wall wasn't supporting so it was easy to cut a hole in it to place the tank
This tank is custom in that I had a coast-to-coast internal overflow added to, essentially, a 150 gallon tank.
I went with a herbie style overflow because I like how they work and I have a small (90 gal) sump under the stand.

xtopher 12-16-2008 10:35 PM

I then went about plumbing the tank. The flow is provided from a panworld 100pxx pump (which I have since discovered is too small and will be replaced when I start stocking corals but will do for now) plumbed into an OM 4 way.
I put baffles in the sump to create an equipment/fuge section within the same sump. I am not going to run a refugium pre se but I will have a chaeto rolling section lol

xtopher 12-16-2008 10:38 PM

I didn't have any rock or anything to put in the tank at this point in the build so I decided to start putting my wet room and QT together as well as a facing for the DT stand.
I also constructed a WC/TO tower using Brute trash cans
Sorry for the sideways photo :(

xtopher 12-16-2008 10:48 PM

I then ordered my rock from BRS and got 50 lbs of dry fiji rock all medium sized
I was very happy with the rock and would recommend it to anyone wanting rock on a budget.
I wanted a very minimalist/open aquascape but still wanted a natural looking structure. After debating over several photos of actual reefs I finally decided I wanted something like this

and here is the end result before I put water in the tank

xtopher 12-16-2008 10:52 PM

I have since put water in the tank and it has now cycled. I also took the fake corals out ;) as they were there only for something to look at while the tank was dry.
I have pictures of the tank filling that I will post soon and I hope that you have enjoyed my build thread to this point :biggrin:
I will now be posting any progress as it occurs

Boomboy 12-16-2008 11:07 PM

very nice tank, just curious where is concept aquariums located in edmonton?
what are the dimensions of your tank? what kind of lighting are you going to go with, and oh yeah, dont you want to put unions on that OM4 way, when you want to service it, same with ball valves? ive never had one but i figure its best to put it on all your equipment that needs to be serviced one time or another.

xtopher 12-16-2008 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Boomboy (Post 369413)
very nice tank, just curious where is concept aquariums located in edmonton?
what are the dimensions of your tank? what kind of lighting are you going to go with, and oh yeah, dont you want to put unions on that OM4 way, when you want to service it, same with ball valves? ive never had one but i figure its best to put it on all your equipment that needs to be serviced one time or another.

I am not sure where in edmonton CA is located as I have never been there.
Here is a link to their site
Thanks for the complement, I have an 8 bulb 48" tek light. It runs 54 watt T5's. The dim. of the tank is 48x30X24. I did not put ball valves or unions on the OM as an oversight but I am not too concerned as a friend of mine has the exact same set up for 3 years or so and has never had to service it. aside from that the internals are accessable from the top of the unit so...I have put unions on virtually everything else though.

xtopher 12-16-2008 11:21 PM

Here's a pic of the 8 bulb tek light, I have since changed the bulb configuration so that I get a more even colour arrangement.

Boomboy 12-17-2008 02:07 AM

nice fixture, what do you plan on keeping? yeah i wasnt sure about the OM4 because ive never had one, i want one but never had one.

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