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chris88 12-11-2008 02:14 AM

torch coral feeding?
Okay, so I have been trying to feed torch corals for the past 2 years in 3 different system and I have yet to see any of them (4 different) show any signs of taking the food into their mouths. I have feed the rainbow and beyond and the best I get is when they grab the food and secret some kind of slime and then it either falls of or eventually, when I turn he flow back on, get blown away. Now, in regards to candy canes and most other LPS's, I could feed them dryer lint and they will take it in.

any suggest or luck with feeding torches?

AaronG 12-11-2008 02:38 AM

i just use a turkey baster and slowly feed mine, mine doesn't like big food(krill etc), blended food seems best.

chris88 12-11-2008 02:52 AM

i use a turkey baster as well. i have tried blended food, mysis, other frozen food, zooplankton, choped shrimp, etc. i have never seen one bring the food into its mouth and take it in.

have you seen yours actually move the food to its mouth and engulf it?

dreef 12-11-2008 03:27 AM

I tried a few times too,never seen it eat.All they need is light,mine grew from 4 heads to 15 in about a year.

chris88 12-11-2008 03:29 AM

i think i agree with you dreef, but i find it weird because they have such a large visable mouth. but they dont apear to have anything used for feeding other then the odd sweeper tenticle which isnt that distinct.

AaronG 12-11-2008 03:45 AM

ya ive seen mine eat(i don't have a life in the winter time so i watch the tank a lot)

i have crabs 12-11-2008 04:17 AM

cyclopeeze or other small zooplankton

chris88 12-11-2008 03:15 PM

i have yet to use cyclopz yet. i have tried zooplankton though. how long do you leave your pumps and power heads off after feeding?

i have crabs 12-11-2008 03:41 PM

i feed with the pumps on i also give a squirt a bit of mysis on them once in a while even though its probably to big to get eatin

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