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shark bait 12-09-2008 10:19 PM

Aquarium Controller Recommendations
I’m in the research phase of an aquarium controller purchase. I’m looking for some feedback on:
o systems that might meet my needs (see below);
o peoples experience with those systems; and
o feedback on options I should consider in the evaluation.
Something to keep in mind is I don’t have a clue on this stuff … I find it really cool what some of these systems claim they can do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. To date I have done some reading on the Reefkeeper Elite, Profilux and Aquacontrollers. One of the challenges I am having is what products from each vendor are required and what will the total cost be.

Current System Components - Some background information on the system I want to control
• Two 400 watt metal halides (75G DISPLAY TANK)
• One 250 watt metal halide (40G FRAG TANK)
• Two 65 watt power compacts on one power cord (also on the 40G FRAG TANK)
• Top off is running an aqua lifter pump, controlled by a simple float switch setup (design curiosity of Melev’s reef)
• Kalk reactor is running a mj400 for stirring
• Fans are old pc fans, run off an old computer power supply (they are in a DIY canopy on the display tank)
• Skimmer is a Euro Reef RS180
• Display tank return pump is a Quiet One 4000
• Frag tank return pump is a Mag 2 or 3
• Sump is a 25 gallon tank
• Top off reservoir is a 33 gallon tank
• Display flow two Hydor Koralia 3 and two Sure Flow 1600 upgraded maxi-jets
• Four simple timers are used to controller lights and kalk stirrer
• May go with a bigger display – 200g-250g (other equipment maybe upgraded accordingly)
• Ballings method maybe adopted – may want dosing pumps in the future
• Looking to add some battery backup on the flow – maybe a computer UPS
Controller Requirements – current thoughts
1. Turn on lights at a specific time
2. Turn off lights at a specific time
3. Shutdown lights when tank temperature reaches a certain temperature
4. Turn on fans when temperature reaches a certain temperature
5. Turn off fans when temperature reaches a certain temperature
6. Turn off skimmer when skimmer cup is full
7. Turn off display tank return pump when display tank reaches a certain level
8. Turn off frag tank return pump when frag tank reaches a certain level
9. Turn on/off top-off pump when sump reaches certain level
10. Turn on/off RO/DI unit based on level in top-off tank
11. Turn on/off kalk stirrer at predefined times
12. Track/graph PH
13. Track/graph temperature
14. May want to track/graph other things in the future … as I learn more
15. Alarm when power goes out
16. PC / web access to control and to view status.
Notification Requirements: For many of the above actions I would also like the ability to send an email to one or more addresses at the time of the event.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!:biggrin:

fkshiu 12-09-2008 10:21 PM

Slick Fork 12-09-2008 10:41 PM

Hands down I would go with the profilux Plus II. Nowhere else will you find the kind of customer support Aqua-Digital and GHL provide.

With just a quick look at your requirments I would recommend the profilux plus II with at least one but maybe two High amp outlets, the digital and analog powerbars and WLAN upgrade.

GHL also makes a multi-pump dosing station that is compatible with the profilux so that would address your future upgrade to the balling method. I have just the basic PII+ package, and am thrilled with it.

Cost and packages can be found at progressive reef in Victoria.

BMW Rider 12-09-2008 11:12 PM

I am using an Aquatronica and am quite happy with it. I know it can do everything on your list with the right setup. Nice thing about it is the basic unit is the same, you just keep adding components and sensors to do all the programed functions you want. They are also continually responding to users and updating the software and adding new components.

Psyire 12-09-2008 11:23 PM

Don't overlook the Aquatronica it's a great controller with a ton of features.

reefermadness 12-10-2008 12:09 AM

What about the Neptune Aquacontroller?

reefermadness 12-10-2008 12:14 AM

Scratch that....the RKE looks better then the aquacontroller. Right? So many to choose from.

Tom R 12-10-2008 02:04 AM

Hands down I would go with the profilux Plus II.

I have had my ProfLux Plus II for almost a year and it is doing everything I want and more.

Tom R

Canadian 12-10-2008 04:14 AM

The Profilux II looks like the best one in terms of performance and value. I'm strongly considering it at this point myself. The only other one I'm considering is the RK Elite because I prefer the smaller size of the controller over the Profilux which is huge and cumbersome by comparison. But the RKE was really poorly beta tested and continues to have problems. However, the cost of additional components for the Profilux are considerably higher than those of the RKE.

Ultimately though, I think most people value reliability over cost when it comes to buying a controller and the constant need to install firmware upgrades for the RKE scares me a bit.

michika 12-10-2008 04:20 AM

I have an RKE, and so far am pleased with it. You can take a look at my build thread for more details about the problems I experienced. also has Digital Aquatics forum you may want to visit for more RKE feedback.

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