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auratus 12-04-2008 01:35 AM

suitable fish and corals for a biocube 14?
im going to be setting up a biocube 14 after x-mas and was wondering what corals are going to work other then mushrooms, and zoos,

i was looking at GSP at the lfs today they look sweet i was wondering if they can thrive with the stock BC 14 lighting

i know i can only really do softies with the BC's lighting

im a pretty big noob at corals and salt water in general so if anyone could name a few corals that would work so i can do some research on them

and for stocking would a firefish and a pair of clowns or a couple green chromis (2 or 3) and a shimp/goby pair work?

or any recommendations on beginner salt fish


Jason McK 12-04-2008 02:51 AM

Many of the small gobies will work, try and avoid the one's that eat copod's like the Rainford's, they're tough to keep in a small tank

In my 14G I have zoos, ricordia, yumma, frogspawn, candy cane, branching hammer & clove polyps, all are doing great. GSP will work but it can also take over your tank before you know it. My lights are stock.

auratus 12-04-2008 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 365282)
Many of the small gobies will work, try and avoid the one's that eat copod's like the Rainford's, they're tough to keep in a small tank

In my 14G I have zoos, ricordia, yumma, frogspawn, candy cane, branching hammer & clove polyps, all are doing great. GSP will work but it can also take over your tank before you know it. My lights are stock.

ok thanks for that, im going to be doing some researching on those corals

as for livestock any recomendations on what to put in along with a firefish? possably a pair of green chromis? or is that to much for the bioload?


Jason McK 12-04-2008 03:07 AM

Try this website for fish suggestions, there's a nano section

I have a firefish & a very tiny wrasse, the firefish is almost getting too big though. Chromis tend to get pretty big

You can also get interesting inverts like pom pom crabs or sexy shrimp

auratus 12-04-2008 03:44 AM

does that site ship to canada?

im liking the Hi Fin Red Banded Goby, Two Spot Goby, and Court Jester Goby
how would those work? with a Peppermint Shrimp or Banded Coral Shrimp

lol i am such a noob


Jason McK 12-04-2008 03:50 AM

If you check out the vendor forum on Canreef, you'll find several local stores in the lower mainland that you can visit and ask lots of questions and get great prices on many of those fish you mentioned. Those gobies would probably work, research their food requirements though and be sure to get ones that are easy to feed. The court jester goby is also known as the Rainford's, I had one, it didn't last long as it wouldn't eat frozen food.

Snaz 12-04-2008 03:57 AM

My AP12 looks fish full with a 1" perc and a 2" Pseudochromis fridmani

I had to donate my 1.75" clarkii as he was just outgrowing the tank. The small perc and fridmani make a great pair. One dominates the top or open water column and the other darts in and out the LR which is sorta in a big pile in the centre of the tank. Three Sexies and assorted CUC.

Besides the requisite zoos and shrooms I have polyps, pulsing xenia, a frogspawn, ricordeas and GSP under stock PC lights(54w).

GSP would grow in a shoe box methinks. :smile:


auratus 12-04-2008 05:01 AM

ok thanks guys ill do some research on the fish:biggrin:

auratus 12-04-2008 10:27 PM

thanks guys, im probably only going to get zoas, mushrooms, and rics and if you could mention one center peice coral that would be great

as for fish im having trouble deciding on getting a Hi Fin Red Banded Goby or a Two Spot Goby but im leaning towards the hi fin for gobies, and im not sure on what open water fish to get, either a royal gramma or a pair of ocellaris clowns and a Peppermint Shrimp and a pom pom crab

how would that work out?


gbeef 12-05-2008 03:41 PM

My Biocube 14 has a clown fish, 6 line wrass and a small yellow goby.
Coral i have Blastos, Chancy, Rics, zoos, frog spawn and torch.

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