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auratus 12-01-2008 10:42 AM

biocube 14? yes, no, maybe so?
hey im looking at buying the biocube 14 and i was just wondering what the positives and negatives of them are? i hear that there are alot of mods that have to be done, its the onlything really in my price range atm and looking at making it a FOWLR at first but them move to a reef later

so if thee is anything i should know about these please tell!



don.ald 12-01-2008 01:56 PM

following along---geat question! i have a bc 14 and want to do some modes. i would like to see the modes others have done to their bc14.

slakker 12-01-2008 06:08 PM

I have a BC14... did a light mod to get it up to 72W and a fan mod... only complain is the fans supplied are NOISY! Ditched the wet/dry filter that comes with the system in favour of LR. Also put in a hydor rotating flow nozel and a nano koralia...

I run a reef with a red shrimp, a 6 line and a bangai. It's very stable.

FYI... I also run a BC8 but experimenting with running the stock wet/dry w/ LR in that tank... It's actually very stable as well and it's a reef with a Mantis in it.

Leah 12-01-2008 06:18 PM

Don't quote me on this but would it not be more stable as a reef? Does it have a skimmer? From my sxperience it was easier to set up areef tank more stable than
my 95 FOWLER don't know why exactly.

gbeef 12-01-2008 07:02 PM

I have a one im running a full reef LPS/Softies/ 3 fish/ and inverts everything is STOCK. (and keeping it that way) Im very happy with it but a warning. Make sure you buy it locally because guarenteed a fan or ballast will go. Both mine did in the first week.. No biggie i just got an exchange.

Since then im very happy with the setup. If you want a setup you can upgrade just bulid your own. I bought the biocube so i didnt have to UPGRADE.. and also i like the fact it can sit in my living room without being a major eyesore. With wires and lights and sumps hanging off the thing.

auratus 12-02-2008 10:15 PM

ok i have decided to buy a biocube after x-mas

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