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wally-2004 11-04-2008 03:01 AM

I think my hippo tang has ich, it has small little salt like secs on him. Does anyone know anything about it, and what I can do to treat it. I do not have a Q tank and I have inverts in the tank.

thank you...

naesco 11-04-2008 03:08 AM

see the posts on the fish section, and act quickly
It involves garlic extract, selcon and cleaneer shrimp.(never a wrasse)
If you get a cleaner shrimp make sure you acclimate her very slowly.

Trigger Man 11-04-2008 04:35 AM

I've had great results in my reef tank with No sick fish Ick Medication, so you can try that. I have also found if using cleaner shrimp that the smaller ones work better.

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