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likwid 11-01-2008 09:12 PM

Best sand sifter for sand bed
Hey guys,

I am wondering what the best sand sifter would be for my sand bed. I am using Carribsea Arag sand, it isn't quite crushed coral but it isnt fine either. What could I use to keep the sand nice and clean and always as white as can be? I have a bunch of Nass snails but they just stay under and nothing ever sifts the surface.


fiorano 11-01-2008 10:31 PM

depending on how much sand you actually have conches do a good job of cleaning the sand and so do sand sifting stars but i think conches need a fair bit of room unless their fairly small. i also have a sea cucumber but he doesn't move around all that much but does a good job of a smaller area and just recently decided to split and turn into 2 sea cucumbers hahaha

fencer 11-01-2008 11:06 PM

sand dollars

spreerider 11-01-2008 11:08 PM

what woud be good for a 25g tank with a small sandbed?

Carmen 11-01-2008 11:43 PM

Diamond Sand Sifter Goby does an excellent job of sifting/cleaning the sand! And they keep the sand low so it is not spred over the corals. I wouldn't go without mine!

likwid 11-02-2008 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Carmen (Post 356585)
Diamond Sand Sifter Goby does an excellent job of sifting/cleaning the sand! And they keep the sand low so it is not spred over the corals. I wouldn't go without mine!

Those goby's require fine sand though, dont they? Mine has plenty of crushed coral in it. Anyone know of any places in Calgary that sell sand sifting starfish/gobys/sand dollars?

JDigital 11-02-2008 12:55 AM

Gobys and Stars @ Red Coral.

Carmen 11-02-2008 12:55 AM

I had crushed coral/argonite in my nano and he did just fine. Red Coral usually has these gobies in and often has the sandsifter stars.

Floop70 11-02-2008 01:22 AM

I've got a 25 gallon tank with a sand sifting star and an orange spotted goby. Both do a very good job and the goby doensn't carry the sand too high, as carmen said. Although I have seen other types of goby's that will sift the sand pretty much to the surface.

Hairytank 11-02-2008 01:08 AM

I picked up a Diamond Watchman Goby (orange and blue markings on white) at Red Coral and it does an excellent job of sifting the sand. It sifts sand non-stop on the 2" of the same sand as you, keeping it very clean. Diamond gobies do not carry the sand as high as the yellow head gobies and others; therefore they don't spread sand all over the live rock and corals.
There are several Nassarius snails in my tank and they bury themselves in the sand and will mix it as well.
I also have a serpent star, but it does not seem to do very much sifting.

My goby is the one that does all the work and is very interesting to watch.

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