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JDigital 09-25-2008 05:50 PM

JDigitals 10G "Hawaiian Biotope".
I'm starting my thread in hopes that my back heals in time to get to work with some of the DIY work I had originally planned on doing. So here goes.

Budget Breakdown:


Display Tank ..................................... Free
Mini Mag-float - $11.99 (under $15) .... Free
Sand ............................................... Free
Live Rock.......................................... Free
Overflow.......................................... . Free
10G Sump Tank................................. $16.99
Sump Baffles.................................... $5.02
AquaMedic OR2500 Return Pump......... $65.00
Hagen Glo 2x24W T5HO (used)........... $50.00
100W Heater..................................... $24.99


1x PomPom Crab................................ $9.95 @ JL (I paid $16.99 elsewhere)
3x Red Leg Hermit.............................. $3.87
2x Turbo Margarite Snails.................... $3.98
1x Left handed Hermit........................ $2.99
Large R/Purple Zoa frag (>15heads)..... $10.00
Large Purple Zoa frag (>15heads)........ $10.00
Large B/Orange Zoa (>15heads).......... $10.00
Large light Greean Zoa (>15heads)...... $10.00
1-2" Percula Clownfish........................ $10.45
Six-Line Wrasse................................. $12.95
Rose Bulb Anemone............................ $29.99
2 Head Frogspawn.............................. $20.00
Orange Short-tip Plate Coral................ $15.00
GSP 4"+ Frag.................................... $20.00
Pink Buttons..................................... $10.00

Total Budget Left - $47.13

Nov. 15 FTS Pic:

Dec 15 FTS Pic:

Boomboy 09-30-2008 02:20 AM

THIS TANK IS GOING TO ROCK :lol::lol::lol: no.... seriously

yeeg 09-30-2008 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Boomboy (Post 348641)
THIS TANK IS GOING TO ROCK :lol::lol::lol: no.... seriously

Oh no....

JDigital 09-30-2008 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by Boomboy (Post 348641)
THIS TANK IS GOING TO ROCK :lol::lol::lol: no.... seriously

It might not actually... not even sure if I will be able to continue in the contest.

JDigital 10-01-2008 11:42 PM

Rimless and Painted so far..

JDigital 10-07-2008 02:11 AM

Well... need to pick up a new 10G.... cracked mine today trying to drill it... Sensitive buggers!:twised:

JDigital 10-07-2008 11:31 PM


Not Cracked. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

If I ever decide to drill a 10G again, someone slap me.. haha.. Such a nerve wrecking thing to do.

Now I need to decide whether or not to de-rim the new tank.. That wasn't much fun the first time either.. :drinking:

ElGuappo 10-07-2008 11:35 PM

looks like you changed the position of the hole? was this just for some added strenth while drilling, since it was moved closer to the wall.

JDigital 10-07-2008 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 350636)
looks like you changed the position of the hole? was this just for some added strenth while drilling, since it was moved closer to the wall.

Well not really... I had originally planned on having BOTH holes that you see above.. the one I did today is for my overflow, and was positioned there for the added strength for drilling... that cracked hole last night was gonna be my return bulkhead... but I am not gonna tempt fate with 2 holes. LOL I'll just stick to running my return over the rim I guess. :biggrin:

ElGuappo 10-07-2008 11:41 PM

you could try to drill the other side at the back or maybe even on of the sides for the retern. ? if you crack the side you have lots of scrap to repair it from the previous tank.

Also you could put a wood block or something in so there is no pressure from the weight added to drilling.

PS what kind of paint did you use?

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