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DanG 09-08-2008 01:35 AM

Coral Beauty doesn't want to eat anything but algae
I'm at a loss for what to feed this guy. He's been eating his way through the bit of hair algae I had in my tank, but doesn't seem to want any of what I'm feeding anyone else.

I've tried:
- mysis
- frozen cyclopeeze
- bloodworms
- red nori
- green nori
- ON formula two flakes
- ON prime reef flakes
- ON formula one marine pellets

I've tried all the above both in their natural state as well as soaked in entice and garlic guard, nothing. In the store, I saw him eat the ON prime reef flakes.

For an omnivore, he's a really picky fish.

There's a bit of GHA left in the tank that he's munching, but between him and the blue tang, they're going through it pretty quick.

Anyone got a suggestion on anything else to try?

fishytime 09-08-2008 02:05 AM

How long has it been in your tank?

DanG 09-08-2008 02:49 AM

I bought him last Saturday (the 6th).

SATELLITE 09-08-2008 03:07 AM

i have the same problem with my coral beauty. had mine for 2 months now and will now take any type of food i put in the tank, even with garlic guard.. all he does is eats algea off the glass and and rocks.. he has not touch any of my sps corals or any other corals aswell...

geeluk 09-08-2008 03:22 AM

My flame angel was like that too, all he did was peck at the live rock for about 3 months. Then slowly started to eat pe mysis after about 3 months. Just started to eat nori after about 8 months.

SATELLITE 09-08-2008 03:25 AM

I can't complain cause its an angel and they usually peck at corals. hes doing very good so i'll just let him do/ eat what he wants too

DanG 09-08-2008 03:31 AM

I'm just concerned he's going to starve to death because him and the tang have almost removed all the algae from my tank.

justinl 09-08-2008 04:40 PM

I would just keep trying what you're already doing. maybe soak in a supplement like selcon once in a while? I would imagine that once the fish gets hungry enough and sees the other fish eating prepared foods, it will join in.

Trigger Man 09-08-2008 07:58 PM

I found that with my Coral beauty and Flame angel they took a while to start eating the foods that I was putting in the tank. If you have any other fish in the tank eating when you feed this should also help get them to come up. I tend to add Tropic Marin Lipovit to my feedings especially when adding new fish, and they seem to go for it, so you can give it a try.

DanG 09-12-2008 04:00 PM

I guess he's done with algae and has finally started eating the ON reef flake.

It would have sucked to have lost him because he didn't want to eat.

Here's the fish that was in question.

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