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lorenz0 08-27-2008 12:40 AM

Eurobraced 60gal
So once again plans have changed. finally decided to do a 40 breeder with a sump

plan on having 60-70 pounds of rock

30 pounds of live sand, maybe more

sunlight supply Tek 6x39 T5HO (picked up today)

right now the tank is being drawn up. should have it by decemeber 1st


Sept 3th/09

60gal eurobraced 48x18x16
1" return's
2" drain and emergency


Aqua Medic Oceanrunner 3500 pump
Ebo Jager 150watt heaters x2
Deltec mc500 skimmer
Tunze Turbelle Deluxe Multi Controller
Tunze Nanostream 6055 powerheads x2
Tunze ATO unit
48" Sunlight Supply TEK T5HO 6x54watt fixture

SPS dominated
Multi types of zoa's
Open brain

Yellow tang
Tomato clown
Yellow watchman goby
green chromis x3

fkshiu 08-27-2008 02:19 AM

If you've got the room, try going deeper (front to back) than 18". Much easier to aquascape and a much better sense of depth.

JDigital 08-27-2008 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 342066)
should be fun and i will keep it updated

If you don't, I will make you... :lol:

BTW, your tank will be approx. 95G or so.

lorenz0 10-21-2008 08:24 PM

So i ordered the tank today and put a deposite down on it. can't wait to see it. Also picked up the bulbs from my tek sunlight supply t5 fixture which is absolutely amazing.

but i am planning on moving everything over from my SPS 10gal nano into this tank and that will just become a spare for frags.

lorenz0 11-05-2008 01:44 AM

So my tank came in tonight, thanks red coral. here are some previews

increased the size 48x16x18

fishytime 11-06-2008 12:22 AM

Right on!. Kinda surprised you got it already. When did you place that order? By the way that sucking sound you hear is the money draining out of your wallet:lol: Have fun with it. I know I would.

lorenz0 11-11-2008 10:45 PM

so built the frame for my stand today. now just waiting on the sump so i can start my plumbing. fingers crossed that i will have water in it december 1st. i also need to figure out how i am going to hang this light lol

doug, was ordered 2 weeks before picking it up. i will have to come in on sunday and pick up my rock for it, time for some baking.

brizzo 11-11-2008 11:00 PM

What goes with a new tank? Grey goose vodka! (See pics LOL)

lorenz0 11-12-2008 01:07 AM

lol what can i say, if i am going to drink it better be the best.

did a shot with the tek light on

tang daddy 11-12-2008 01:12 AM

nice set up what is your light combo, btw is this the new style tek lights?

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