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BlkWolfe 08-16-2008 03:47 AM

Fish for Sale (Edmonton)
Harlequin Tusk 5" - $120

Adult Red Coris Wrasse 6" - $40 (Sold, Tangeroo)

Juvinile Red Coris Wrasse 3" - $20 (Sold, Edmonton Eskimo)

Lunare Wrasse 6" - $20

Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse (Sangihe) - $20 (Sold, Tangeroo)

Red Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish - $40 (Sold, Neal)

Snowflake Eel 14" - $10 (Sold, Tangeroo)

Unknown Eel 12" - $20 (Sold, Tangeroo)

All fish have been in my tanks for at least a year or so, but would like to either tear down for awhile or go to purely reef safe fish. All wrasses are mainly fed nls pellets, and mysis every now and then. Both eels and the fuzzy eat frozen mysis readily.

The eels and fuzzy are available anytime for pickup, the rest will be available for pickup around the 22nd-24th once the 400g is drained and i have a hope of catching them.

Pictures of all the fish are available in my gallery.

BlkWolfe 08-17-2008 09:28 PM


BlkWolfe 08-22-2008 10:24 PM

Draining the tank today...

Pickups can start around 4pm saturday. Give me a call before dropping by.

SEAN DUFFY 08-26-2008 11:14 PM

all gone
anything left

BlkWolfe 08-27-2008 01:55 AM

The lunare and harlequin are still here.

Transport to Calgary can be arranged, and possibly to Kamloops/Vancouver around the end of Sept.

yeeg 08-27-2008 04:23 AM

Pacific Harlequin??

BlkWolfe 08-28-2008 05:54 PM

Aussie as best i can remember, but it has been a couple years since i bought him. Theres a couple pics of him in my gallery, one recent and the other older.

I dont remember if/what the difference in markings are from the origins anymore, but if someone does please feel free (he does have the blue teeth and a red hued tail if that helps). I waited a long time for an aussie harlequin, i just dont remember if i actually found one when i got him or just got tired of waiting.

supersmile 08-28-2008 09:43 PM

I am interested in the lunare wrasse. Is it OK in a reef tank because I read they shouldn't be kept in a reef tank????

BlkWolfe 08-29-2008 11:45 PM

i wouldn't put any lunare in a reef. Even if it wasnt aggressive enough to go after smaller more docile fish, i haven't had one yet that wouldnt eventually tear through every shrimp and snail in the tank.

d33ps3a 08-30-2008 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by BlkWolfe (Post 342644)
i wouldn't put any lunare in a reef. Even if it wasnt aggressive enough to go after smaller more docile fish, i haven't had one yet that wouldnt eventually tear through every shrimp and snail in the tank.

Yeah, mine loves snails. It also loved my clam. Lucky I got the clam free. You have to feed it at least three times a day to keep it from snacking on his tank mates. Other than that, he is the most awsome looking fish. He is really colorfull and he has a great personality.

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