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cwickham 08-13-2008 01:48 AM

Chaeto died
i just got Chaeto for my fuge and within about 2 weeks it all turned brown and died...

any ideas


whatcaneyedo 08-13-2008 03:00 AM

Could you give us some more information and tell us a little about your tank?

Water flow through fuge?
Type/duration of lighting for fuge?
Tank bioload?
Do you run a skimmer?
Do you use a phosphate removing media?
Do you run carbon?
Are there any other kinds of macro algae in your fuge?
Age of your tank?....

cwickham 08-13-2008 03:07 AM

Salinity = 1.026
Temperature = 80F
pH 8.4
Nitrate = 0 to 5ppm

no skimmer yet and bio load is just snails and 3 hermits, 1 pom pom. theres nothing else in the fuge but sand and LR, and im not sure exactly how much water flow it has, but basically it has 1/3 of what drains into my sump. i dont run carbon and have nothing to remove phosphate.

whatcaneyedo 08-13-2008 03:14 AM

Sounds like a pretty new tank. I know of chaeto dying because of a lack of phosphate and without any fish it could be that your system is too 'clean' for it right now. Do you feed your tank anything? What sort of light do you have over your fuge? What other kinds of algae do you have growing in your system?

cwickham 08-13-2008 04:27 AM

Tanks about 3 months old... so its still very new... i was also thinking it might be a lack of nutrient issue but i have bryopsis or hair algea im not 100 percent sure... its mostly on my LS and nothing seems to eat it.. every time i do a water change a get rid of more and more... but it seems to be the only algea growing in my tank at the moment.

i have just got a 15 wat CF 6700k. it might not be enough light.. but i think the algea would have died allot slower if light was to weak?

whatcaneyedo 08-13-2008 04:56 AM

More light could help. I use a 15W 6700K CF to light my nano tanks 2gal fuge for growing caulerpa and it does an alright job but more light would produce better growth for me and might help for you. Testing for phosphate could also yield another answer, without any fish in your tank it could be that your phosphate levels are extremely low or zero.

I've seen a colony of chaeto die before in near zero phosphate while another macro algae species did fine so maybe consider trying something else. Gracilaria is another very popular choice, it has basically all of the same benefits of chaeto and none of problems of caulerpa. Plus most tangs love it.

Captainhemo 08-13-2008 06:14 AM

Using a 27W 6700k CFT bulb on my sump/fuge and my cheato stays nice and green , fuge section is about 12"x 16" and the cheato is sitting in about 10" of water.
I'd try picking up some more pwerful bubls

REDNECK_REEFER 08-13-2008 07:57 PM

If your chaeto turned brown and died it could be that there wasn't enough food for it to grow. The same thing happened to me not long ago. I upgraded my lighting over my cpr refugiums to one 96 power compact @6700k and started to use julian sprung's plant grow. It didn't start any algae blooms in the tank but my chaeto grows faster than anyone's that i've seen thus far. Good luck

Murminator 08-13-2008 08:38 PM

It can die? :eek:

spreerider 08-13-2008 09:39 PM

do not use Chaeto to scrub your dishes anymore, its not good for it.

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