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cprowler 08-06-2008 05:32 AM

Hows everyone dealing with the summer heat?
Just curious on how everyone was managing, my tank gets up to about 81.8 so I'm just getting by.

I have central AC and use a couple fans but no chiller.

Chaloupa 08-06-2008 05:39 AM

I have central AC also, and fans, on my SPS tank I have it programmed so that the tank doesn't get too cold and stays around 79-80 all the time...however in my garage I have to use a chiller on that tank as there is no AC in the garage and it gets BRUTAL!

marie 08-06-2008 05:40 AM

My tank regularily sits at 82 during the day :mrgreen: , I haven't noticed any problems with heat yet but then my sump is in the basement

mark 08-06-2008 05:46 AM

Have central AC but notice the muffin fans over the sump come on every once and a while (on a controller). Tank stays steady though through summer and winter.

cprowler 08-06-2008 05:47 AM

last year when I had a mag 9 running and before I setup my manifold for return, skimmer and reactors (see thread) my temp would get up to 83 and shut my MH's off all the time and I had two more fans running.

The manifold and getting rid of some pumps really made a difference.

christyf5 08-06-2008 05:56 AM

I selected chiller but I also have AC as the room the tank is in can get smoking hot and there is no decent air circulation which causes the chiller to blow fuses quite often. So technically I have AC and a fan both of which are for the chiller (and I often hang out in the tank room on hot days :wink:). I also wish the fuse store gave a discount, at $2 per fuse the summer can get pricey.

EmilyB 08-06-2008 06:34 AM

Nothing. This is Calgary, we're lucky if we get two hot days a year....:rolleyes: and tank's in the basement which stays cool.

levi1803 08-06-2008 02:01 PM

Heat? whats that? Crappy summer this year in Calgary. I do have central air though so if it does happen I should be good. :lol:

Snappy 08-06-2008 02:58 PM

Heat in Calgary? What heat? Calgary weather SUCKS.:twised: Coldest summer in years. If I leave the basement window open my tank temp gets down to 72 F and the backto 80 F with the lights on all day. My chiller is not getting used a lot this summer.

fortheloveofcrabs 08-06-2008 04:04 PM

AC, chiller and fans. I'm not kidding around with heat. My 55g has a 1/10hp chiller and my nano has an ice-probe and computer fan. So far so good :)

That said, it really hasn't been that warm here (aside a few days, and one week) so it really hasn't been a big deal.

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