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Hail_Ceasar 07-24-2008 12:36 AM

My 2 year old 29g biocube revealed
Well its def been a interesting 2 years, good times and bad. Really did'nt know what i was getting myself into but i sure am happy i did, even though i would probbally have a few more dollers in my pocket.

Well the first thing you will notice is I have no fish, well i have one, a yellow watchmen goby who is to camra shy to get a shot of. I had 4 fish in there bet just last month my air conditioner broke while i was away and the resulting heat killed the other three poor fish truly a sad day.

But now i have come to the conclution that yellow watchmen gobys have more lives then a cat, mine simply won't die he's
-Survived ich
-Jumped into the back of the tank were i found him over a month later thinking he had died
- Survived in pice of rock out of the water 4 over a hour when i moved my tank
-And suriveved the heat wave

I don't think he will ever die, but now the tank

Full tank shot


Some blue nice zoos

Big frogspawn i had since it was only one head

My coco worm but not all the way out

And finally Bert and Ernie the shrimp

I have never used a protein skimmer just exstra live rock in the back and chemi pure plus 15% water change ever week or so. Tell me what ya think

And here is the tank 6 months ago befor the fish died and with a better camera

karazy 07-24-2008 01:12 AM

srry. double post

karazy 07-24-2008 01:13 AM

looks great

whats that one big fuzzy pink coral thats the tallest?

Hail_Ceasar 07-24-2008 01:26 AM

Its just a really big tree leather coral. When i first got it it was only maybe a inch and a half tall.

Ian 07-24-2008 05:59 PM

Wow very nice tank...a little inspiration for me.
You hve L.R. in the back....Is it just in the second(?) chamber, no mods to the back?
I want to get rid of my bio balls and wondered if this was the way to go.

Der_Iron_Chef 07-24-2008 06:07 PM

Looks great! Are you planning on getting another fish or two now?

Hail_Ceasar 07-24-2008 09:56 PM

No no mods just take out the bio balls and put in a bunch of live rock, then fill the water so its really high and all the rock is submerged, i put some filter floss on top of the rock were the water hits it, a little mechanical filtration plus it makes the tank completly quiet. The first chamber i took out the false divder and put more live rock and my heater in there.

As for fish i think i am going to get a pair of true percs and leave it at that. i have noticed a improvment in my corals with the lack of fish.

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