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jjhill 07-16-2008 11:58 PM

Red Purple Slime Algae
I have an infestation of what I believe is red slime algae. It is a deep reddish, purple colour and is somewhat stringy. I have a couple times scraped it off the rocks and sand only to have it come back in a day or so.

It is definaltly getting larger and I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Anyone have any suggestions? I have read that cutting back on my lights might help. I currently run two T5's for about 8-9 hours a day and LED moonlights at night. Would it kill the algae if I were to turn the lights off for 24 hours or so?

If it helps my pH is 8, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, I don't have a phosphate kit so I'm not sure what that is. I presume it could be high as I do have some hair algae that I also can't get rid of which has to be feeding on something.

I recently added (yesterday) a lawnmower blenny and a chem charcol bag to take up some of the phosphates and nitrates but it is too soon to see much of a difference.

Any other suggestions on things I can do to clean this tank up?


tlo 07-17-2008 03:17 AM

cyanobacteria (red slime) is a result of too much nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) and too little flow.
try increasing your flow and use a phosban reactor if you aren't already.

Reefer Rob 07-17-2008 04:07 PM

How old is the system? If it's less than 6 months Cyano is just one of the phases it will go through. Eventually it will go away on it's own, but if you have to get rid of it now a 3 day black out will knock it back. Cutting your photo period back to 1/2 and then slowly bringing it back up after the cyano has disappeared will work too. Cyano is always present in aquariums, but will bloom when it can take advantage of a change.

ElGuappo 07-17-2008 06:57 PM

i did a black out and it worked for a while but since i added more flow i havent seen any . a black is great to knock it down. i did a total blackout for 24/5 and cut it back almost entirely. but it did start to come back monthe later, until i added flow.

Hope it helps just my 2 cents.

supersmile 07-17-2008 07:14 PM

I added more flow as well and now I have it under control. Doing the black out was only a temporary measure for me. It didn't go away totally until I increased flow in the tank. I also changed my bulbs.

truperc 07-17-2008 08:53 PM

Chemi Clean is a great SHORT TERM solution to your problem, I have used it on my customers tanks to get rid of the slime. I agree with the others posting here but if you want to get rid of it in a hurry, then deal with the source of the problem. Just my $0.02

ElGuappo 07-18-2008 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by supersmile (Post 335158)
I added more flow as well and now I have it under control. Doing the black out was only a temporary measure for me. It didn't go away totally until I increased flow in the tank.


banditpowdercoat 07-18-2008 02:42 AM

Hmm, how much flow are you guys having? I have a Quiet one 3000 in closed loop , 6 1/2" loc line nozzles and a Mag 3 sump return., Throttled halfway I guess. SHould be approx 800gph for QO 3000, Its in tank, in overflow so 0' head and another 150Gph? for the sump return. This on a 45g. No real strong currents near the sand tho.

I got RSA that keeps coming back, getting Green slime too now.

ElGuappo 07-18-2008 05:59 AM

i have a rsm tank 34 gallons and i added a koralia 1 behind the rock for debris and a nano for turbulance in the tank. aimed directly at one of the original PH's. have in the last 3 weeks removed the nano as it was needed in a hospital tank. i find "crossing the streams" works nicely when aimed Upish.

digital-audiophile 07-18-2008 02:04 PM

Red slime is the the nightmare that keeps me up at night. I have been fighting it for the past 2 months and am losing. The tank is not new either.. 1-1/2 years running in this set up.

Good luck!

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