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spanky 07-04-2008 06:40 AM

Some pics of our 28g Nano-cube hqi
My better half and i have enjoyed looking at everyones pic of their tanks and thought we would put some on as well. And i bought a new camera and needed an excuse to use it haha.

One of my clowns obviously wants to be a model she keeps following the camera around !

skabooya 07-04-2008 08:52 PM

oooo i like. very nice tank spanky.
Do you use the chiller on your tank?

spanky 07-04-2008 09:00 PM

No i dont have a chiller, i did however have some heating issues at first but i decided to try a cheaper method of keeping it cool. I went to canadian tire and bought 2 maybe 5 inch diameter desktop fans ( $10 each ) and mounted them on the wall to blow into the open back part of the tank. Two fans worked to good so i just have one going now, it comes on when the metal halides come on with the use of a timer. Now it stays at 76-78 even with the hot weather we have had in calgary as of late. At times i have to turn the second one on but very rarely. I have to add a little more water than without the fans, but water is alot cheaper than a chiller! lol. Actually these cheap fans are remarkably quiet too.

Pier Pressure 07-04-2008 09:08 PM

That is nice. I like your aquascaping and your corals. What is that light green/purple stuff on the bottom right-hand side? Are those acans? What are the light requirements for those? I am only running power compacts but I really like the looks of it.

spanky 07-04-2008 09:33 PM

Here is a pic of the fans, its not pretty but they work quite well.

mseepman 07-04-2008 10:18 PM

Nice...I have a 16G nano that I'm working on and I've been stressing over heat possibilities a lot. I'm a ways from getting it running but I might just try your method.

skabooya 07-04-2008 10:59 PM

hmmm thats interesting. Ive been looking at the jbj hqi for a little bit now and my issue was the expensive chiller. It can get very hot in my house during the summer. My FW tank reaches temps of mid to high 90's for a week at a time. My fish love it though but my plants suffer.
Anyway, if the two fans work for you thats awsome. Im worried i would need a chiller with a MH :)

christyf5 07-04-2008 11:13 PM

Wow, great looking tank. How long has it been running? How do you keep it so clean? Are you running a skimmer?

ok I'll stop with the 20 questions now:razz: Very impressive looking tank I must say. My nano is an algae pit.

Love those fans though, I think I may have to investigate our local crappy tire:biggrin:

spanky 07-04-2008 11:19 PM

the green and purple/red coral in the bottom right is a favite coral, thats what i was told. here is a closer pic for you Pier pressure. the tentacles come out at night, its pretty cool. As for the lighting for it i really couldnt tell you i was just told mid range lighting and mid flow. Sorry i couldnt be more helpful. I have MH so i usually just ask where in the tank they should go with the lights i have.

spanky 07-04-2008 11:27 PM

Actually christyf its only had coral in it for about a month now its pretty fresh. I had a bunch of alge not long ago but i went out and bought 9 snails and those little buggers have been going non stop. They are my new best buds! haha. When they get lazy i help them with my cleaning pad. As for the fans i was shocked how well they work, i dont have ac just really dark blinds but they do the trick even when its hot. For $20 dollars and a buck for the hooks they hang on im happy as heck. (or really lucky) lol. And im just running the skimmer that came with this tank. no extras here just some ugly fans haha.

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