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marihoochie 06-28-2008 07:51 PM

Calgary reef shops
I'm going to be passing through Calgary this week and was wondering what reef shops should I stop at..I'm hoping to find a small fox face and some fire shrimp...if any one could help me out..much appreciated.

Carmen 06-28-2008 08:02 PM

Red coral! not sure on stock that you're looking for but they are by far the best in the city to deal with! Great guys!

victornguyen 06-28-2008 08:15 PM

Sorry to rain on your parade but there is no such thing as the "best" there are many great stores in Calgary...Golds, *removed* Ocean city, *removed* and Red coral. I have been to all and they are are great. ask me which one i would go to would be Golds as they are closer and I know them personally. If I had money for unlimited gas I would visit each one once a week just to see all then new and exciting things they get in.

kdpuffer 06-28-2008 08:16 PM

where is red coral I have dealt mostly with ocean city

spanky 06-28-2008 08:40 PM

I have made the round trip to all of them in one day. It was a very fun and expensive day! It seems they all tend to have different selections and are all very knowledgable and friendly. This has been my experience anyways.

victornguyen 06-28-2008 10:03 PM

I know what you mean...I made that trip my avalanche...i felt the pain

sharuq1 06-28-2008 10:28 PM

Yup, I do the same thing. Make a trip down there and try to visit them all. I think they are all great.

MikeP 06-28-2008 11:35 PM

Golds and Ocean City have fire shrimp in stock as of a few days ago, haven't seen a fox face lately but I already have one so maybe I just didn't notice.

kdpuffer here is where to find Red Coral, you should check them out.

Ian 06-29-2008 01:29 AM

As newb who gets to Calgary and edmonton once in a while it would be nice to see a list of stores in both cities along with phone numbers and addresses. Maybe this is something you old pros could do for us :biggrin:

sharuq1 06-29-2008 01:57 AM

Ian and anyone else, here is a store list.

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