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Chad 06-27-2008 05:29 AM

Acrylic Router Bits
What is everyone using for routing your edges when you DIY stuff? Where are you getting it to..

I bought a freud 3 fluted straight trimmer, it does an "ok" job, but it is not smooth enough to use Weldon #4.


hillbillyreefer 06-27-2008 06:06 AM

Pretty hard to find better quality than Freud router bits. Practice your technique on some scrap and see if you can't get a better edge. Maybe try a panel cutting saw blade in a tablesaw or a circular saw, they leave pretty good edges, too.

brizzo 06-27-2008 06:17 AM

What kind of router are you using? Are you preparing the edges using a router table? You can wet sand edges with 320 grit with a block for nice results before welding, some people even polish the edges

I have been using a triple flute freud bit also, and found it does a better job only on small outside trimming, not long cuts. Long cuts I've found a single flute does better. I recently got a new dewalt dw616 router and it made a world of difference in how nice trimming turns out.

sphelps 06-27-2008 01:52 PM

I use a jointer for gluing surfaces, however a router should work fine with any carbide bit. Perhaps you're removing too much material? I usually only remove 1/32 or 1/16 at the most. Also feed rate and router speed is fairly important.

Chad 06-27-2008 04:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well it is a craftsman router, it does not have variable speed. I am only removing 1/16 at a time.. I am using a router table and that Freud 3 flut flush bit. It leave the following edge.

sphelps 06-27-2008 05:23 PM

looks to me like the feed rate is too high. It's hard to see from the picture but does the edge seem to show an internal bubble like texture?

I would try removing 1/32, increase the router speed and experiment with different feed rates. You'll get it, it just takes time to figure out what works best.

Chad 06-27-2008 05:26 PM

The best way for me to describe it is more of like a "wave" action. I don't see bubbles. I have no way to increase the router speed.. maybe I should get a new router?

sphelps 06-27-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Chad (Post 332079)
The best way for me to describe it is more of like a "wave" action. I don't see bubbles. I have no way to increase the router speed.. maybe I should get a new router?

First try removing less material and a slower feed rate.

Chad 06-27-2008 07:09 PM

I will give it a try, I know if I go to slow it starts to melt it. I wish you could automate the feed rate :-)

Chad 06-27-2008 10:07 PM

I went out and bought a spiral up-cut bit from Freud. It seems to do a much better job.. very smooth.. I am going really slow as well...

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