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Arty Morty 06-11-2008 07:55 PM

This system is one of those AquaGiant Systems with the curved corners. It was chipped in a move a while back. I will be moving again July 1, and do not have a spot for it.
I had only filled this system with fresh water once to test my plumbing and the tank out. All was fine. This was before the chip. It looks safe to me.
Tank... I do not recall the dimensions exactly (I am away from home) but it is 72x24x36?? 72 for sure anyway.
Sump 70g sump: this sump is set up to flow under then over glass baffles. and would easily accommodate bioballs or other filter media.
Black stand and black canopy
Misc Plumbing

The chip is on the front in the middle, right on the bottom. would be hidden by substrate
View it here

No lights

Besides the chip it is brand new.

All offers will be considered
It is in St Albert, Alberta

sharuq1 06-12-2008 03:27 AM

Any pics of the tank itself?

Arty Morty 06-12-2008 03:12 PM

no, I dont have any pictures, but I have a link...

This is it only mine is black....
Kitchen Measures

Arty Morty 06-14-2008 12:56 AM

Here is the cabinet in black. Looks like mine, only the one in the link is a little on the small side :)

Arty Morty 06-15-2008 08:28 PM

Weed bubblers

Arty Morty 06-26-2008 04:55 AM

Still here...Two more days left
Vapir Review

ElGuappo 06-26-2008 05:11 AM

where is the chip and how much are you asking? nevermind.

Arty Morty 06-27-2008 04:56 AM

One day left till the big move. I can't believe nobody wants this thing.
Anal Deep

Charlie_Tuna 06-27-2008 05:50 AM

I suspect that the low amount of offers is a result of people not knowing what a "reasonable" offer would be in this instance.

Nobody wants to pay more than what a product is worth but, at the same time, none of us want to be deemed "low-ballers" either.

If you really want to move this tank can you help us out a little? What do you consider reasonable? What would your bottom line be?

Arty Morty 06-27-2008 05:13 PM

Good points.. I would like to get 800 for this. Paid 2500. But if someone is able to get it today, Even tonight. I will let it go for 500.
Deal of the day!! :)

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