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marie 06-04-2008 11:30 PM

Caught in the act
Anyone have any Barry Manilow music

The female is now 8 yrs old and this is her first batch of eggs. She tried to kill 3 other mates before she finally decided to settle down and raise a family :lol:

Lance 06-04-2008 11:45 PM

Wow!! Reef Porn

christyf5 06-04-2008 11:45 PM

Thats hilarious. My turn, no its my turn! You're doing it all wrong let me do it!

Frenzied little fish aren't they?

Marlin65 06-05-2008 12:29 AM

Very cool!!

Mik_101 06-05-2008 12:35 AM

lol- yellow tang never herd of giving others privavcy:lol::razz:

Tom R 06-05-2008 01:20 AM

Wow I feel I need a cigarette after watching that video. What am I saying I do not even smoke.

Tom R

marie 06-05-2008 04:53 AM

The big problem is their timing stinks, I'm supposed to be moving that tank over into a 75g tomorrow.

The stands built, the surrounding floor has been done and the freebie tank has been leak tested.

It's all ready to go, those poor clowns are going to be some PO'd :sad:

untamed 06-05-2008 05:15 AM

My Maroon pair raises a family quite regularly...but they always lay the eggs at night, so I've never seen the actual act. Good catch to get that on video!


marie 06-16-2008 01:00 AM

How often are clown fish supposed to pop out eggs? My clown fish have celebrated fathers day by making a bunch more babies. It's only been 11 days since the last batch

S.D 06-16-2008 02:44 AM


I can see that your Bubble King isn't the only thing working well these days!!!!

Thanks for sharing the's great!


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