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reefphish 03-15-2003 04:12 AM

new tank has calcium film developing on glass... whats up???
Hey all, set up my system over the past month and a bit. Ran into a problem and could use your input...

My setup...
  • 2x 87 gallon tanks,
    2x40 gallon plastic drums connected as sump,
    play sand (silica)deep bed filters in sumps covered with coarse (aragonite based)sand.
    1 tank shallow sand bed (2 inches) of coarse sand, main tank with 3 inches of SWC sugar sized aragonite sand.

The problem...
Although the tank has been running with water for about 2 weeks, didn't add salt until last week. (waiting for leaks and temperature to get past 68, this cold snap made it really cold in the basement)

Today, bought a cleaning magnet for the glass. The glass was looking filmy all week but didn't really think anything of it, assumed it was just loose silt from the sugar sand.

When I tried the magnet nothing came off the glass, so I dipped in my hand to try and rub away the film... argh! it was solid shower door grade, lime water deposit film. Then I noticed that the sugar sized sand actually had developed a crust!

Any advice on how to clean up the glass fronts?? obviously need to drain tanks and wash down glass with vinegar or CLR to remove film from my Starfire glass, but open to any other suggestions.

My theory...
Running the system with freshwater for two weeks with the aragonite sand. the lower pH in the freshwater, dissolved Ca from the sand. When I mixed in the salt, the increase in pH, lead to the Ca precipitating out of the solution.

Any idea when it will stop?
Do I need to replace all the water???

thanks for any input!

Before anyone asks about pH... I don't know yet .... my brand spanking new pH monitor was shipped missing the 10 pH calibration solution, which I discovered this evening. Thought I was smart and went to local Mac store to buy some borax (and a slurpee) to come up with an alternate 9.x solution, but they don't carry it! (incidentally, here's a great link from Craig Bingman regarding borax and calibration:

Canadian Man 03-15-2003 03:03 PM

Hey Jon,
Well I used to have this same problem in my angel breeding 10g tanks.
I don't have any clue why this happend in this tank and not my other fw tanks :?
I do believe your on the right track though with the sand and silt in fw thing. I wouldnt worry too much about it. A razor blade takes it right off.


Troy F 03-15-2003 04:21 PM

If memory serves me right, Ca and pH are too high. It's the same thing that happens if you are dosing more limewater to a system than the inhabitants can handle. I think. The answer is in one of Randy's articles but I don't know which one and (sorry) don't feel like looking. Unless you need the information, it can be pretty dry reading.

reefphish 03-16-2003 04:36 AM

thanks for the info
thanks guys for the info.

Jon, I will definitly try the razor blade, as the credit card didnt work.

Troy, Randy who?.. happy to look just point me in the right direction

Doug 03-16-2003 01:32 PM

My last tank did that also, when I mixed the salt direct into a tank full of hard well water. I assume for the reasons Troy mentioned.

The only way I could get it off was to blade it, carefully! Let me tell you how much fun that is when access is from the back only. :shock:

Troy F 03-16-2003 02:43 PM

Sorry 'bout that, Randy Holmes-Farley rights for 's mag and has articles in the old Aquarium Frontiers as well. While mentioning Aquarium Frontiers, you may want to check back on Craig Bingman article too. Most of the boards will link to the magazine archives. Except us :) . Maybe we should :?

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