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my3kidsdad 05-18-2008 10:28 PM

Aqua-C Urchin Pro Skimmer..You like it?
After reading about skimmers here and searching for available stock, We have identified the AquaC Urchin Pro and the Euro-Reef RS135 skimmer, both in-sump models for our projected first reef tank, a 120 gal. with 29 gal. sump. As the Urchin Pro is some $100.00 Cdn cheaper than the Euro-Reef 135, it would be our first choice. Have you had experience with the Urchin Pro? Was it easier to maintain each week than other models?

Captainhemo 05-18-2008 10:50 PM

Spend the exta $100 now and get the EuroReef , it's money welll spent

my3kidsdad 05-19-2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Captainhemo (Post 324739)
Spend the exta $100 now and get the EuroReef , it's money welll spent

Is there no other skimmer recommended for less than the ER135?

marie 05-19-2008 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by my3kidsdad (Post 324801)
Is there no other skimmer recommended for less than the ER135?

Do not be cheap with your protien skimmer. Even if you have to live on kraft dinner and walk to work for the next month it will be worth getting the absolute best skimmer you can afford.

bv_reefer 05-19-2008 07:34 PM

i was thinking about the aqua-c's for a while but finally settled on getting a euro-reef after seeing the gunk they pull out i was convinced pretty quickly that there the most efficient in there class. the only hassle i've often read about the aqua c's is the micro bubbles.

my3kidsdad 05-21-2008 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by bv_reefer (Post 324856)
i was thinking about the aqua-c's for a while but finally settled on getting a euro-reef after seeing the gunk they pull out i was convinced pretty quickly that there the most efficient in there class. the only hassle i've often read about the aqua c's is the micro bubbles.

I am convinced the ER 135 is the way togo. Thanks for the info everyone. Somethings just require a price-be-darned priority. Is this one of them?

christyf5 05-21-2008 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by my3kidsdad (Post 325230)
I am convinced the ER 135 is the way togo. Thanks for the info everyone. Somethings just require a price-be-darned priority. Is this one of them?

Its not necessarily a "price be darned" priority, rather than a quality/research/smart purchase priority. I went through several skimmers that were absolute crap before I finally settled at my ER CS6-2 (super old model not sure what its equivalent to now). I absolutely could not be happier (for the price of course, I mean who doesn't want a bubble king these days :razz:). I bought mine used and saved quite a bit, you may want to go that route. Whichever, used or new, you won't regret it.

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