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Zoaelite 05-16-2008 06:17 PM

What brought you into Reefing?
Kind of interested to see this, what brought everyone into the Hobby? I worked at Petland for about 1.5 years and then went to Petcetera for another year and a half. After Petcetera I picked up a few clown fish (because they carried them) and after visiting an actual Exotic fish store *removed* I decided to take the plunge and buy a nano cube. After that I shortly upgraded to a 65g and have been going since then.


Parker 05-16-2008 06:23 PM

My wife bought me a starter 20 gallon kit for a b-day present.. It all started there, then it was the 20 gallon fresh and a 30 gallon salt, then a 90 gallon fresh and 75 gallon salt, now I'm up to the 265 salt and we still have the 90 gallon fresh.. The fresh is a bit sad these days though.

mark 05-16-2008 06:36 PM

Always wanted but what put me over the edge was snorkeling in the Philippines.

sharuq1 05-16-2008 06:45 PM

I got bitten with the reefers bug when I was 4 and saw a sw tank at my babysitters house. Last year my fiance encouraged me to take the plunge and here I am :)

Delphinus 05-16-2008 07:04 PM

I guess "petstore" is the closest thing for me. I had been toying with the idea of setting up an aquarium of some kind and was really drawn to discus. After a few conversations with LFS guys (Big Als, Riverfront, and Dark Side Creatures), they told me that Calgary water was too hard for discus but was good for reefing. The more I learned about reefing the more I was drawn into it, eventually taking the plunge with a 50g aquarium I found off the Bargain Finder from a guy who had upgraded to a 90g reef. That was December 1997 and I've been broke ever since.

Lance 05-16-2008 07:13 PM

Back in the '80s I was big into freshwater. I tried them all: community tanks, Amazon tanks, Oscars, Discus, Africans, breeding Cichlids, etc. At one point I had 6 tanks on the go. Then, during the 90's, I was too busy with my business and raising a family, to properly maintain the tanks. So I sold or gave them away. Last year I got the bug again, and set up a FW tank, but it wasn't as fun as before, so I decided to try SW as well. SW is awesome! I have the 90 gal. reef and am now in the process of planning a 200 gal build; probably this fall.

Zoaelite 05-16-2008 07:37 PM

Lol I take it the general consensus here is that reefing is very addicting. Maybe we should get some slogan going for anti drugs in school... I think "Reefing my Anti Reefer" works fairly well :razz:.

Snappy 05-16-2008 07:57 PM

I had been into fresh water, African Cichlids and such for many years and back in the late 80's my tank sprung a leak. Due to time constraints I shut it down but told my wife when I eventually got back into the hobby it would be salt water. Then about 4 years ago my son came home and told us about a party he was at where they had a little RC submarine in a fish tank and chased the fish with it. Right around that time I was winding down with my soccer coaching so my wife had told me to think about a new hobby because I would need one to replace the time I spent coaching. Anyway my wife liked the idea of the fish tank, went out and bought a submarine and informed me that maybe I should get back into this hobby. Well obviously I did & the rest is history except she never really got to use the sub much, it rusted up right away and we never got another one. Now of course I would never allow one of those near my tank.:lol:

spikehs 05-16-2008 08:16 PM

I was watching the Mod Squad on dvd when it first came out (1999) and in one scene they had a little fish tank (nothing special) thought it'd be cool to have one.. start with a 20gal fw, that lasted until xmas I think, when I got some reefing presents (book/salt/hydrometer)... all downhill after that.... well $$ wise.

jasond 05-16-2008 08:23 PM

Reality tv SUCKS, so I would rather spend time mucking with my fish tank which seems to be an endless task of cleaning/rearranging/staring at/adding to/ etc.

It's a great hobby. I have had mine for just over a year, and I cant see not having one. It's something different, and you are always learning something new! :biggrin:

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