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kari 05-16-2008 01:26 AM

zeovit rocks - how often do you replace?
I hear the rocks are to be replaced every so often. Myself, I don't understand the concept of replacing the rocks if they have been well agitated often.

How often are you replacing them?

I figure it is a just a method to keep the sales up. Could someone please educate me further on this.

Tom R 05-16-2008 04:06 PM

I replace mine every 10 to 12 weeks.

It is my understanding that their usefulness deminishes as they become saturated with the Phosphate and Nitrates that they absorb. For alot more information go to:

Tom R

Brent F 05-16-2008 07:04 PM

Every 10 weeks based on the guidelines in the giude.

Delphinus 05-16-2008 07:07 PM

Sure seems kind of wasteful to me though. But I imagine you can't really "recharge" them. I just have the hardest time throwing "rocks" into the garbage when you think about all the effort that went into producing them - the mining, the transport, etc. .. I guess in the grand scheme of things it's $15 per litre of rocks so it's not like it's a huge expense but still it just feels odd to me to throw them out. There's only so many times you can toss this stuff under your deck or in your garden..

Zoaelite 05-16-2008 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 324475)
Sure seems kind of wasteful to me though. But I imagine you can't really "recharge" them. I just have the hardest time throwing "rocks" into the garbage when you think about all the effort that went into producing them - the mining, the transport, etc. .. I guess in the grand scheme of things it's $15 per litre of rocks so it's not like it's a huge expense but still it just feels odd to me to throw them out. There's only so many times you can toss this stuff under your deck or in your garden..

What about Carbon, Filter Media, excess tubing and even the Bananna peel you threw out this morning? Tony stop being a pack rat you can't use everything you throw in the garbage, I guess thats why they call it a garbage right? Still I do understand where your coming from, to have so much stuff produced only to be used and thrown out? An interesting topic to discuss would be does anyone think that the only reason we havn't produced something like a media which never has to be changed (or in a larger case a "never ending fuel supply") is because the people who develope these make money off having to buy a new one everytime? On topic though if the rocks are being used as a media to remove Phosphates/ Nitrates then over time they do loose that ability (Think of it as a Movie theater if you have 300 seats and 300 people (Or impurities in real life) theres no more room for those people to sit, there for the movie is full and so is your filter media)

Delphinus 05-16-2008 08:17 PM

:lol: Carbon isn't mined though (is it?), and I don't use a lot of filter floss and I clean the heck out of it so I don't throw it out as often as otherwise, I never throw out excess tubing much to my own dismay but you just "never know" when you might need 3" of tubing, and the banana peel goes into my compost bin not the garbage. (So there! ;) )

I have the same issue with sand. I just get hung up on what it took to get into my hands and then just dumping it under my deck seems like a ridiculous fate.

But then maybe this is a ridiculous hobby anyhow, but still I press on, and maybe it's just ridiculous to feel bad about throwing it out. I dunno. It just feels weird to me to throw out rocks. They're rocks!

... Maybe I'm on my own on this one... :mrgreen:

digital-audiophile 05-16-2008 08:35 PM

The only place I throw my bannana peel is into my composter. Shame on anyone that throws organic waste into the landfill.

Brent F 05-16-2008 09:28 PM

Tony, you feel weird throwing out rocks. I think the weird thing is paying $15 per litre for rocks

Jason McK 05-16-2008 09:41 PM

How I understand the Zeolith to work is that it is like a carbon or phosphate remover. It get's exhausted over time.
I change my rocks ever 10 to 12 weeks but always leave a bit behind to help seed the bacteria colony


Zoaelite 05-16-2008 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by digital-audiophile (Post 324490)
The only place I throw my bannana peel is into my composter. Shame on anyone that throws organic waste into the landfill.

Greg can you come over to my house and tell my mother this? She seems to believe that having a composter will cause damnation to hell for my whole family (Or atleast shes that stubborn about it :wink:)

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