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Dale 04-26-2008 08:50 PM

power consumption question
Just looking for someone who knows to check my calculations (I'm electrically challenged :redface:)

My Aqua Clear 500 filter uses 14 watts so:
14w x 24Hr's x 31days = 10416 / 1000 = 10.416KwH @ .07cents/KwH = 72.9 cents operating cost / month.
Did I get it right?

angelfan 04-27-2008 02:41 AM

I calculated it like this and got the same answer
0.014Kw x $0.07/KwH = $0.00098/Hr
$0.00098 x 24Hr = $0.02352
$0.02352 x 31days = $0.72912 or 72.9 cents
Just curious or what?

Dale 04-27-2008 04:20 AM

I am actually trying to figure out the power consumption of my system. I think the formula is right but I'm not sure if I'm forgetting to factor in volts or amps. I really am electrically challenged.
Another example is my lighting. If I have a 20 watt actinic on for 12Hr's/day is the calculation: 20w x 12Hr's x 31 days = 7440w / 1000 = 7.44 KwH or... am I suppose to factor in 120 volts some where?

cprowler 04-27-2008 04:53 AM

They have this calculator over at the evil empire.

Dale 04-27-2008 04:57 AM

Thanks Bill :biggrin:

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