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Rumika 04-22-2008 07:30 PM

Experience with Bellus Angel and Potters Angel
I would like to possibly keep a Bellus Angel and a Potters Angel together in my 90gal.I have done some research that says if they are from different regions, which they are it might be possible.
Just wondering if anybody has kept the two together. Would it matter which one was added to the tank first?
Your experience and thoughts would be great.
Thank you

Pan 04-23-2008 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rumika (Post 319732)
I would like to possibly keep a Bellus Angel and a Potters Angel together in my 90gal.I have done some research that says if they are from different regions, which they are it might be possible.
Just wondering if anybody has kept the two together. Would it matter which one was added to the tank first?
Your experience and thoughts would be great.
Thank you

All the potters angels i've ever had (3 including the current one) have ben very timid and very finicky.

Joe Reefer 04-23-2008 05:14 PM

I have tried 2 potters angels. The first one was extremely timid when added to my display. Making it impossible to feed while hiding all the time, it eventually died of starvation. My second atempt was more successful however about a month after adding the angel it developed popeye, soon after it stopped swimming around and eating the next day it died. I will not try another potters angel again.

aussiefishy 04-23-2008 06:22 PM

i have experience with them both.

I would say Bellus, once acclimated, will fare pretty well. given there are no aggression behaviours (they are quite a bot more timid than the Potter)

The potter is a poor species when it comes to acclimation period, and so far i would say they are quite aggressive once settled in.

so my opinion for putting them together? don't bother if you don't have at least 6 foot of tank space. if you can tolerate a little aggression bwteen your inhabitants, make sure your tank have with plenty of swimming room/ rock crevices, i mean plenty.

That's my 2 cents. currently i have both a Multicolor and a Potter living in my tank, they do really well, but they DO show aggression once in a while.


Zylumn 04-23-2008 06:32 PM

I have a potters angel for 6 months now and really like it. It sometimes thinks its a Clown and tries hosting fog spawns with my two clowns. Pretty and a joy to watch and eats anything. It loves Michita's homemade recipe.

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