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spikehs 04-08-2008 04:25 AM

50gal take down, livestock fs (calgary)
Well, I really don't want to do this, but I have to take my tank down. I'm going to be moving in a couple of months so I need to get everything gone before then. Which sucks :( but the upside is, once I get my new place and settled, I'll be setting up one 3 x the size! although that probably wont be for 6 months. Anyways on to the livestock! If some of my prices are out of wack, please let me know. No low balls though :)

zoo's #1 - medium grower $40

zoo's #2 (3 different kinds on it)- THe rock is about 12" - $60
zoo's #3 a frag of the big green patch (about 15 polyps) - $15

GSP + Colt Rock - $30

Candy Cane coral $15 for two pieces

GIANT live rock (basketball size approx) with 5 anemones... 1 rose (huge), 1 brown with bright pink tips (slight blue hue when not expanded) and 3 small bleached anemones (tried to save them from a dying tank...they keep splitting, but not coloring up. I want to sell this as one piece as I think it will be nearly impossible to get the anemones out. $120 for the whole thing. NOTE: this rock DOES have a few small pieces of valonia. They have never spread or grown though...

False & True Perc (I think) $30 for both - captive bred mated pair. Have JUST started laying eggs... about 3 times so far!! First priority would be to the person who buys the rock/anemone

Flame Angel: $40... haven't noticed him picking at anything, but no guarantee's

False Lemonpeel: $40 again haven't noticed any picking

Coral Beauty: $30

Blue Damsel & Striped Damsel: $10, or free if you buy anything else!

Cleaner Shrimp: $15

I have various snails/conches/urchin etc as well, so come by and make an offer on those when you pick up some other stuff. I'll make those good prices :)

Here is a FTS for reference, the tank is 36x18x18

Any questions let me know! The tank/stand equip will be going up for sale shortly as well....

exentity 04-08-2008 05:14 AM


calgaryreefer 04-08-2008 05:36 AM


bv_reefer 04-08-2008 05:53 AM

free bump, those pieces are great especially the gsp rock and zoos

stewy84 04-08-2008 03:53 PM

you have a pm

michika 04-08-2008 04:02 PM


I'll take the large zoo rock, and maybe the false lemonpeel if they are still around.

saltyrockbox 04-08-2008 07:27 PM

I'll take your flame angle and some zoos if there are any left the cleener shrimp also (if it will live with a coral banded)
how did you get all those angles to be friendly with each other?

Zoaelite 04-08-2008 07:29 PM

You have PM :)

EMH 04-08-2008 11:31 PM

and another pm added

spikehs 04-09-2008 02:08 AM

Everyis tentatively sold... I'll update the thread as people come and pick them up. I haven't organized everything with the people I have talked to, but I'll get to that asap. Thanks for the interest.

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