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chaser 03-29-2008 11:40 PM

Could I have the fastest tank cycle ever??
I started my tank around 10 days ago using fully cured live rock that had only been out of the tank for about 30 minutes. After 2 days the ammonia rose to 2ppm and then dropped. My nitrites went up to about 0.5 then dropped and my Nitrates were a little over 12.5ppm then dropped and after 10 days all are at 0. so as it stands
Specific grav-1.025

What do you think, I plan on waiting a few more days to a week and continue testing making sure that nothing spikes up on me, but could I be cycled that quick??? I just started running my skimmer as well yesterday, good idea bad idea?? I have heard mixed things about doing that, but its a brand new aqua c remora nano and I wanted to break it in cause I know it takes about 2 weeks to actually start pulling anything, so far just clearish yellow liquid. Oh its a 20 gallon and I have been using ro water from the grocery store. I think thats all the info I can give. Help me out let me know what anyone thinks.
Thanks a lot

justinl 03-30-2008 01:22 AM

To be safe I would let it go for another week with testing just to be sure. The already cured live rock really speeds up the cycle though; im just not sure by how much. Was all the rock fully cured? Im thinking that that is the reason and the little ammonia you saw was just the die off from the transit.

Theres no good reason to skim as it will accomplish nothing. If anything it will slow down the cycle but other than that, I dont see any harm in letting it run to break it in.

Myka 03-30-2008 02:52 AM

Ya, the rock must have been well cured, and you did a good job moving. As justinl said though, I'd wait another week just to be sure, and always remember "Nothing good ever happens fast in a reef aquarium."

Pan 03-30-2008 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 313959)
Ya, the rock must have been well cured, and you did a good job moving. As justinl said though, I'd wait another week just to be sure, and always remember "Nothing good ever happens fast in a reef aquarium."

Really? I had a damsel i wanted out of my tank get sucked up into a powerhead..died pretty quickly.. :)

Pan 03-30-2008 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by justinl (Post 313935)
To be safe I would let it go for another week with testing just to be sure. The already cured live rock really speeds up the cycle though; im just not sure by how much. Was all the rock fully cured? Im thinking that that is the reason and the little ammonia you saw was just the die off from the transit.

Theres no good reason to skim as it will accomplish nothing. If anything it will slow down the cycle but other than that, I dont see any harm in letting it run to break it in.

I have moved quite a few tanks in me time, if if was an established tank as long as i never re-used most of the sand it was always set back up and no fuss...minimal cycle if you can call it that. But i never added new livestock after a move either. System is problably okay to manage what was in there...then again many people move tanks and buy new fish right away and it is okay. Most people seem to just re-gurgitate that you'll get a cycle with cured liverock or a tank move. It all depends if you wish to ere on the side of caution. Again no I am not meaning anyone specific with the regurgitate. Just remember take everything you hear good or bad with a grain...sometimes a tub 'o salt :)
If it were a tank with nothing in it i would say forgoe the skimmer, but if livestock in yeah i would run it.
If the rock came from a store i would say follow the regular old cycling rules. As time goes on and you learn in the hobby you'll learn which rules can be bent and which will snap back on you hard if you try :)

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