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howdy20012002 03-28-2008 06:14 AM

What fish to add to help control algae??
I have finally got my 180 up and running and want some advice.
Being that my triggers pretty much eat anything that moves, I need some advice on what fish I can add into an agressive tank that will eat algae.
My other aggressive tank has HUGE algae issues because everything I put in to eat the algae in turn gets eaten by the triggers.
thanks in advance.

Der_Iron_Chef 03-28-2008 06:32 AM

What type of algaes?

Some Tangs and Rabbitfish are generally known to consume algae. I guess it depends what type....

howdy20012002 03-28-2008 07:12 AM

just the stupid hair algae.
I am definitely going to add a couple of tangs.
how would rabbit fish be with aggressive fish?
are there bigger species of rabbit fish??

Waxx 03-28-2008 04:25 PM

Check your Po4 levels. 9 times out of 10 you can fix your algae problems by getting phosphates under control. Adding a fish is more of a temporary solutions, you need to get to the root of the problem.

untamed 03-28-2008 04:26 PM

Yes, some of the rabbitfish get large enough that I would imagine they wouldn't be eaten by triggers. My rabbitfish likes to eat hair algae more so than my Tangs.

Here's another idea that might help. If you can, setup a refugium, light it 24/7 and let the hair algae grow there. Works very well for me!

Oh sea hare liked to eat hair algae (when I had hair algae). I'm sure the triggers won't eat a sea hare.

michika 03-28-2008 05:32 PM

My longspine urchin eats GHA. I also had a foxface that did the same.

ElGuappo 03-28-2008 05:35 PM

I have found that my rusty angel nibbles on algae once in a while. but its a pygmy angel and would propably be food in your tank.

wickedfrags 03-28-2008 06:43 PM

Assuming you have an appropriately sized skimmer, I would consider evaluating if you have enough flow to keep detritus from building up, and perhaps reviewing your water source (RO/DI output).

Jason McK 03-28-2008 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 313509)
Assuming you have an appropriately sized skimmer, I would consider evaluating if you have enough flow to keep detritus from building up, and perhaps reviewing your water source (RO/DI output).

I agree, adding a fish for a problem just create other problems. Like what does the fish eat after it has eliminated your Algae.

Drock169 03-28-2008 07:31 PM

Hectors Gobies will eat hair algae, and will also sift sand for food

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