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Jason McK 03-27-2008 12:58 AM

Earth Hour
This Saturday at 8:00pm Is Earth Hour.
for more info go HERE

Are you going to unplug for Earth Hour?

christyf5 03-27-2008 02:23 AM

You bet! Nothing will be running in this house except the fridge and one lone powerhead if I can help it :biggrin:

UnderWorldAquatics 03-27-2008 03:44 AM

Please remember I am around 30 years young, opinionated, and constantly on painkillers;)

I love the enviroment! I love conservation! I love nature!

I am not gona unplug anything!!!
cuz in "my" accomplishes nothing but make people falsely feel good about themselves and their undying(note sarcasam) efforts to save the planet.....
When the hour is up they will feel a false sense of accomplishment as they sit in front of their big screen tv,relaxing in their power massage chair,enjoying the good climate in their heated 4500sq/ft luxury home thats filled with the rape and pillage of our enviroment....

its hard to type this out without laughing......

Im buying another diesel truck(I actually need a truck)and will run it on bio-diesel, I use alot of LED lighting in my home, I purchase energy efficient products whenever I can, I dont litter, I recycle, I try to do what I can..........

I am watching a big screen tv as I type this out, I have a very loud power hungry stereo(the power is off currently), I dirtbike, ride supermoto, and drive race cars that inhale fossil fuels(Id use bio-fuel if I could).

I partake in a hobby and even involve myself in the industry end of things in something that without a doubt destroys the enviroment(yeah you do too!!!)I do so as enviromentally sustainable as possible, I even consider myself a leader in enviromentally sustainable methods in our hobby! But I am not naive, everytime I purchase a wildcaught species of marine life, and even captive raised to an extent, I understand I am making a negative impact on the enviroment.

I am not a tree hugger by any strecth of the immagination. But I do things I can, to try to make less of a negative impact, I hear about something new I can do, evaluate it, and try it if possible.

But again, I will not unplug anything for one hour as it will accomplish nothing but false security! I will try to do things that in the longrun will make less of an impact on the enviroment wherever I can.

I will recycle the pizza box that just came to my door, as well as the coke can when Im done drinking it, but not before I watch a DVD on my bigscreen tv with my 5.1 stereo cranked till the walls shake(I turn the power off when Im done)then Ill have a hot shower(I try to keep it quick and use enviromentally friendly products)(how friendly they are is up in the air???)then Ill go to sleep in my high effiency furnace heated home(it was more expensive, but worth it)

My point is, I try to keep things in perspective, and do what I can

this list of things, rants, could go on forever...........

that reminds me, I need to plug in my cell phone........

Tarolisol 03-27-2008 02:17 PM

Sorry theres a hockey game on that night so unfortunatly it will be an utter failer in Alberta.

Starry 03-28-2008 12:17 AM

Leave the aquariums running!
As per the official Earth Hour website:

"Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming."

Don't want to see anyone having any problems!

Mrs. Starry

Starry 03-28-2008 12:20 AM

Sorry, meant to put this in the last post :redface:

andresont 03-28-2008 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by UnderWorldAquatics (Post 313044)
I love the enviroment! I love conservation! I love nature!

I am not gona unplug anything!!!
cuz in "my" accomplishes nothing but make people falsely feel good about themselves and their undying(note sarcasam) efforts to save the planet..........

Same here ! I agree.

If we were to help the environment we would make large industrial companies to shut down their polluting plants, we would stop pharmacies flushing antibiotics down the toilet and we would stop buying anti bacterial soap, because this just creates super bugs that are resistant to antibiotics.
We would stop buying dead animals for food, we would only buy local certified organic products, we would stop killing human beings overseas, and we would be supporting space programs.

And we would pay attention to what the “Endgame” movie is trying to tell us…

So no, I will not unplug anything.

Jason McK 03-28-2008 01:16 AM

I agree with everything you both said. However awareness does not magically happen. It is small insignificant events that build interest and then awareness.
Events like this one, will have people like me pointing people to these "insignificant" events. These people will check out the website and perhaps decide to research further and further until they are actually doing something substantial.

Without these seemingly insignificant events no one would be buying Boi-Diesel, or LED Lighting because there wouldn't be a market for it. There wouldn't be recycling at all. who needs it.
So to say that events like this don't mean anything is ridiculous. It is part of many small steps to awareness


Beverly 03-28-2008 02:07 AM

Whatever you do at 8:00 pm on the 29th, just remember that the world changes by the acts of individuals, whether they are heads of corporations making corporate decisions or working stiffs like most of us making personal decsions.

FWIW, I don't think I'm going to turn off stuff that isn't already turned off. I've been going down a path of daily "turning stuff off" mode. While I could be doing better as an individual consumer, I'm pretty happy with the lower amount of consumption I've acheived over the years.

digital-audiophile 03-28-2008 02:16 AM

I'm in the energy business.. I would prefer if everyone turned on an extra light at 8:00 Saturday ;)

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