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CLINT 03-05-2008 02:01 AM

Anyone in Vancouver play poker?
Just curious if anyone on here plays hold'm and might want to put a game together?Clint

NateL 03-05-2008 06:14 AM

I am sure there are a few of us poker junkies around. What format are you thinking about, tournament style buy in, small change, bills?


CLINT 03-05-2008 02:14 PM

I am open to suggestions but preffer tournament style.Anytime Ive ever gone to the casino I get smacked down.The last time I went I had KK and a super aggressive player with more money than brains calls me all in with 9 10 pre flop and wins with 2 pairs.9 on the turn 10 on the river.DOH.oh well win some lose some right.I would be more than happy to lose money to guys who might spend it on fish stuff.LOL.Clint

banditpowdercoat 03-05-2008 03:28 PM

I love Poker, but I am a little to far to make a game LOL

Chad 03-05-2008 04:59 PM

I might be in for a game of poker. I have casino style poker chips as well.. a nice set.. I can bring them along.

fkshiu 03-05-2008 07:07 PM

Bet corals instead of $ - it ups the stakes if you're risking something near and dear to your heart :)

CLINT 03-05-2008 08:17 PM

I would find it hard to all-in my ricordia collection but sure would love to see what someone might raise.LOL.I will be looking into setting up a game this weekend maybe.If it is gonna work out Ill post here tomorow.Clint

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