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fishoholic 02-29-2008 05:40 AM

Weird Dog
So I had my little cup of mysis defrosting in SW on the floor by my sump when my little dog thought he needed a drink! When I looked over he took off up the stairs with some mysis hanging from his lip :surprise: He's also eaten nori from my hand before I got a chance to put it into the tank!

ElGuappo 02-29-2008 05:55 AM

nice. i love a hound that can cause a little mischief. what exacly is nori?

fishdaddy3 02-29-2008 05:56 AM

maybe he's a dogfish...

saltyrigger 02-29-2008 02:34 PM

I have a 130lb neopolitan mastiff that know when feeding time is,
follows me to tank so she can get her seaweed fix

prosnow 02-29-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by ElGuappo (Post 305947)
what exacly is nori?


ElGuappo 02-29-2008 05:28 PM


My dad had a yoorkie poodl cross and its the worlds biggest princess. she gets home cooked meals everynight at dinner time with the rest of the fam. she hates everyone except dad. not that she bites or anything she just incredably arrogant.

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