regmes |
02-22-2008 03:32 AM |
90 gals main tank,30 gals refuge,15 gals sump,2 GEN X pumps(1 forsump and 1 for chiller set at 77-80 deg),3 Tunzee sin main tank,2x 250 mh,2x 65w atinic,moon lights,Tunzee controler,2 chamber calcium reactor runing 24/7, kalkwasser running at night when mh off, diy box skimmer good for 250 gals. Now for water parameters temp 78-80 deg, lights; atinics 8am to 9am mh 9am to10pm atinics10pm to11pm and in between moon lights.amonia 0,nitrates0 nitrites0, phosphates 0, ph in tank 8.1 to 8.4, ph in calcium reactor 6.8,calcium in tank 480 ppm, kh 13,for fish and corals; 1 naso,1 flame angel, 1 blue damsel, 1 lunar wrass, 2 percula clowns, 1 fire shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 tuxedo urchin, 1 anenimie, purple star polyp, yellow star polyp, trumpet coral, coco worm, feather duster, 1 open brain, 1 maze brain, 3 yellow gargonians, 1 plating coral, a few mushrooms, 5 diferent types of acros, 3 toadstool leathers, and 1 pink finger coral, 4" sand bed. IN my refuge; 2maxijet power heads,1x 65w 50/50 cf's ,some caulurpa, 1 black long spine urchin, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 pink sponge, 1 sea squirt(pacific tunicate) and crabs and snails not many in refuge. Oh almost forgot 80 pds of rock in main and maybe 20pds in refuge. Clean up crew in main tank also whit sand sifting sea star. Wow ! I just realised how much $ I've sunk into this, Oh well I think it's the best hobbie I'v ever taken up so far.