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dsaundry 02-19-2008 12:34 AM

New Tank Suggestions please.
:biggrin: Ok I need some suggestions, I am setting up a 27g bowfront in my office. I have plenty of rock and I am trying to determine stocking it. I am just going to use pc lighting so I am not going to put anything in it but a few hardy corals and fish, etc. I have one lovely mushroom rock I am going to use and I think I may put some Ricordea's on a rock as well. As for fish, I am probably going for something that stay's on the smaller side..Perc's?? Pseudochromis??
Goby's?? Cleaner or Sexy Shrimps?? I have a cleaner crew of a few different varieties of snails, maybe an urchin?? I am Looking for suggestions and idea's here.. Maybe a bubble coral??:biggrin:

phillybean 02-19-2008 12:55 AM

What do you do for work? Are you in an authority role?

Reason I ask is I am and if I could, I would loved to have a Mantis Shrimp in my office. Just screams "Mess with me and I'm holding your fingers in"

dsaundry 02-19-2008 01:30 AM

As a matter of fact I am in an authority role. I own and run my own shop. As for a Mantis, I might be a little worried about glass breaking. I like them but I think I would rather have them in a larger, thicker tank.:biggrin:

SeaSerpant 02-19-2008 01:37 AM

maybe a nice mollie or make a tank just with some sexy shrimp. that would be cool.

dsaundry 02-19-2008 01:44 AM

Molly's I have had and a lot of people dont know that they can go in salt water if you are patient, however I have had them before and I am going for a different look. Thought about a Pistol shrimp with a Goby, but I am still debating that too. It might boil down to seeing what members have for sale locally or going out one Sunday to a few LFS's and making my decision that day. I am in no major hurry so we will see...Keep those suggestions coming..:biggrin:

phillybean 02-20-2008 12:19 AM

Own a run a shop with a fish tank in the office eh'...where do I apply?

How thick is the glass?

A pistol shrimp/goby combo would be awesome with some LPS/softies.

Or you could go with a natural fuge'. There is a thread on RC right now with some great display fuge's, which look awesome and would be unique.

SeaSerpant 02-20-2008 12:38 AM

instead of a nano you could do a pico. :D

sharuq1 02-20-2008 03:57 AM

This would be a very cute addition

fishoholic 02-20-2008 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by sharuq1 (Post 303227)

I second that! I love small cute gobies :biggrin:

dsaundry 02-20-2008 04:29 AM

Yes I like the Goby's too. A Goby+Shrimp would be nice but I think I may go with a mated pair of Golden Coral Banded Shrimp that have just come into my possesion..Keep the suggestions up please though...:biggrin:

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