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Skimmerking 01-17-2008 10:04 PM

Any truck driver's here on Canreef need Help
We here is my problem, I'm thinking of getting Adidias, AKA Joel to build me my cube stand in the spring coming up for my new tank the cube. So shipping is gonna cost me a Arm and a leg. I was wonderign if there are any reefer's out there that are trucker's of the road that would be able to get the stand from Joel and drop it off if you are travelling through the west and passing by , the FLAT LANDS Of MANITOBA Brandon, I live like 4 miles from the trans canada and could meet you at the Timmie's on the highway.

Pan 01-17-2008 11:46 PM

I used to ...still drive extended length on the side to pay school bills. I have a few friends i can check for you. One is a high-art/antique mover. His whole trailer is cusionehd/padded and he most likely can crate up your crate and secured it to the trailer. If he is going through i will let you know. I slo might be able to get you a cheaper interline freight rate if no one can do it for free...not positive but possibly. The killer with shipping now is the fuel tax you pay.

24storm 01-18-2008 01:12 AM

You have PM

Skimmerking 01-18-2008 01:39 AM

thanks everyone for the responses so far it won't be until around June, once i come back from Afghanistan for a 3 week break. And I'm going to have to figure out what the heck I want Joel and his co worker to build.....
since I added 4 more clams to my system and they ar e2 more derasa's and 2 crocea's

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