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possitive k 01-17-2008 02:21 AM

what to go with?
hi everyone, just wanted to ask for some advice on what direction to go with starting up a nano. i used to have a 90g, but have decided to just go with a smaller set-up. due to my new living conditions.

i was interested in the red sea max, but was wandering if anyone could recomend any other set-ups. i am looking for somthing fairly simple and self conained. also would like it to be kinda a all in one set-up. as i really don't have alot of space.

thanks for your help.

balistidae 01-19-2008 05:34 PM

I used to also have a 90g reef but just replaced it with a 28gallon JBJ nanocube. It has a 150w metal halide, skimmer, moonlights etc.

I was torn between the RSM and the JBJ but i have been very happy with the jbj. Be prepared to get a chiller in the summer though

Brent F 01-19-2008 06:17 PM

I have a RSM and a Nanocube 6. Happy with both.

When I bought the RSM I was also considering the Nanocube 28. It came down to the Nanocube 28 had better lighting where the RSM had better styling and a slightly larger capacity. I have another tank with metal halide lighting so won't be keeping clams in the RSM so the lighting it has is sufficient for my needs.

No regrets with the decision to buy the RSM. Looks great and works well.

Zoaelite 01-19-2008 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by balistidae (Post 295319)
I used to also have a 90g reef but just replaced it with a 28gallon JBJ nanocube. It has a 150w metal halide, skimmer, moonlights etc.

I was torn between the RSM and the JBJ but i have been very happy with the jbj. Be prepared to get a chiller in the summer though

I love my JBJ 28, only problem is its hard to install some ort of fuge/sump. The skimmer is garbage though, if you have the chance buy the new Tunze Nano its AMAZING.

balistidae 01-19-2008 08:42 PM

hey levi could you post a pic of that tunze installed?? thanks

possitive k 01-21-2008 04:15 AM

thanks for the input.......also has anyone owned the red sea max, and had any problems with it?

also is the a good place to shop for the tank set-ups you mention?

thanks again.

Pan 01-21-2008 04:29 AM

Tkae a look at the nanos on as well. I'm not much for nano tanks but they seem ok.

Brent F 01-21-2008 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by possitive k (Post 295751)
thanks for the input.......also has anyone owned the red sea max, and had any problems with it?

also is the a good place to shop for the tank set-ups you mention?

thanks again.

Skimmer seems to be hit or miss as to how well it works. Stock setup won't surface skim if you fill it enough to hide the top of the water behind the trim.

possitive k 01-22-2008 02:36 AM

if you had to chose between sea max, rsm, jbj? i would like to keep maby a clam, some sps, lps......what do ya think?

mseepman 01-22-2008 03:48 AM

Last time I was in Calgary a buddy of mine showed me his Cadlights tank and I thought it was pretty nice. I've seen the RSM and the JBJ and Oceanic29 but to me this beat them all.

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