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Skimmerking 02-10-2003 02:21 PM

Changing fish again

Well I'm going to be getting into the DISCUS fish now and, will be selling off my other ones. :wink: Well Here is a question for ya weho have had discus. CAn i keep pleco's and green severums with them.

bongy 02-10-2003 07:20 PM

Pleco will depends on which species and what size.

Severum definitely No. I got a mating pair that will even bite my finger. I wouldn't even keep angel with them.


GregJ 02-10-2003 08:04 PM

You can keep bristlenose pecos with them, all the others will try and eat there slim, that i know of. It wouldn't be a good idea to keep severum with them, they are far to aggressive.

Skimmerking 02-11-2003 03:13 PM

WEll thanks for the input. IO have a bristlenose pleco now :P I also have a couple of tiger loaches i think. That's what they look like and can i have dojo loaches along with kulwe loaches to. So pretty much Discus are a species only right.

thanks for all advice

bongy 02-11-2003 07:52 PM

Actually no. You can keep many other fish with Discus.

Most small tetra such as neon are OK. Dwarf cichlids like ram are fine too. You really have some choices there.


StirCrazy 02-11-2003 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by bongy
Actually no. You can keep many other fish with Discus.

Most small tetra such as neon are OK.


ya ok for Discus food :wink:


bongy 02-11-2003 11:29 PM

Yes.. Live food for your discus.

OK, not too tiny. However, small tetra such as rummy nose, cardinal, emperor would still be OK.


Skimmerking 02-13-2003 05:28 PM

Well im like Doug
CAn't make up my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

I was thinking about doing Brackish too I really like the puffer's alot too. ANd I will be close to salt again. Man I feel like a women!!!!! :D Can';t make up my mind.....

Anyways I evaporting around 5 gallons per week is that normal in the setup. Doug was telling me it is from the air mixing with the tank water, which causes the waer to evaporate. Is there a way that i can slow down the evaporation in the tank ...

P.S If i go salt the wife wont know abotu the fish in there so i could accidently pour in a couple buckets of salt ansd well i wouild want to waste it. ANd when she ask where are all the fish I say that they are on order

MAN I HAVE THIS WORK OUT :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

BCOrchidGuy 03-16-2003 03:51 PM

IMHO Discus shouldn't be kept with any other fish, they are delicate but stunning. They should be kept in a bare tank, 25% w/c a couple times a week to daily should be done.

Seriously, if you want them to pair up and breed be prepared to spend 2+ hours a day on them.

I had 3 spawning pairs and they were more work than the 60+ other tanks I had going at the same time.

ron101 03-16-2003 05:17 PM


While there are fish that may share the same water parameter preferences as Discus (angels and tetras), there are other issues to keep in mind. Discus can be picky eaters; adding competition for food can lead to malnutrition. Other fish may be carriers but resistant to certain illnesses that Discus are not so resistant to.

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