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digital-audiophile 01-03-2008 03:41 PM

I think I need help with my RO/DI
OK.. so I bought an aquasafe unit 2 years ago and it has been sitting in my basement since. I've been using tap water for too long and I am done procrastinating and need to get this unit set up.

The problem? MY DIY skills are poor at best.. I have been through the instructions too many times and I still do not get it (and maybe I am a little scared to try to do it.. part of the reason why it has been sitting for so long) I am hoping someone could lend me a hand to get this thing hooked up?


Der_Iron_Chef 01-03-2008 03:48 PM

Hey Greg--

I set one up just a few months ago. I'm assuming it's the same unit! What, specifically, are you having problems with? I'm getting a regular TDS reading of 0, so I'm assuming I've done it right :)

digital-audiophile 01-03-2008 03:50 PM


I have not even set it up.. I scared to do it :cry:

What I'm hoping is that someone could come over and walk me through it and help me get it going?

Der_Iron_Chef 01-03-2008 03:55 PM

I could do that, but just not tonight. I understand the fear of plumbing, lol.

Where are you installing it? Under a sink or what?

digital-audiophile 01-03-2008 04:01 PM

I appreciate your offer of help Drew :) Whatever time works best for you though, I don't want to be an inconvenience at all. Typically the weekends are the best for me as weeknights are tough as when I get home my time is consumed with bathing my daughter and getting her to bed and then trying to make supper for the wife and I and all that jazz.

I was actually thinking about putting it in my furnace room as my main tank is plumbed through the wall into ther, where I have my sump and my 60 gallon. I would imagine it could be tapped into the cold water feed line to the bathroom sink from there.

One thing I am really trying to get my head around is how the water comes out of it? Does it just dump into a rubber maid.. do I need a float switch or do I just manually turn on the valves let it make its water and turn it off when enough is made?

Anyhow.. let me know what would work for you if you don't mind lending a hand :) I really do appreciate it.

Der_Iron_Chef 01-03-2008 04:04 PM

No worries, Greg. I have mine set up pretty simply. I turn it on, drain it into a container, and then turn it off when I'm done (I set a few timers around the house to make sure I don't forget, lol). So with float switches, I'm afraid I won't be much help. But with the actual setting up of the unit, I'm pretty confident.

PM me on the weekend if you still need some help by then, and let me know what works for you!

digital-audiophile 01-03-2008 04:16 PM

Thanks Drew. I'll drop you a PM in a couple days to check your schedule. :)

Delphinus 01-03-2008 04:23 PM

It's not that bad, you're going to feel silly when it's all done :p

Anyhow, I was gonna offer to come over and help too if you want, but I wouldn't be able to come by until the weekend. (Sorry!) But if Drew comes over, you're in good hands anyhow. :)

Der_Iron_Chef 01-03-2008 04:29 PM

Aw shucks :redface: Hey, we could make it an RO/DI party. You know you're a geek WHEN.

Delphinus 01-03-2008 05:03 PM


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