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bv_reefer 12-31-2007 08:44 AM

coral foods
Ever since i started I've been using kent phyto-feast to feed my corals, but I'm thinking of switching to something better, preferably from reef nutrition. My tank is majority soft corals, with the exception of a monti cap, long tenatcle plate coral, and a cup coral colony. Is there anything from reef nutrition than can be used for both lps and softies, and still provide adequate feedings for both?
Roti-Feast, Arcti-Pods, Tigger-Pods? whats my best option?

Myka 12-31-2007 02:33 PM

About once a week I feed some of my LPS mysis shrimp. The ones that have feeding tentacles. They plump up more than usual for a few days after.

I don't use Ocean Nutrition, but I do use Coral Frenzy and Reef Roids. I have SPS as well though.

CLINT 12-31-2007 03:40 PM

coral frenzy
I use coral frenzy to feed my ricordia/Acan tank and everything responds to it.Definetly has my vote and I think Wendell has it in stock.Clint

andresont 12-31-2007 03:42 PM

ReefRoids are also good choice for coral , it is very good particle size for LPS and was designed for Goniopora.
Zeo mulm is good for SPS feeding.

bv_reefer 01-01-2008 03:46 AM

I'll try coral frenzy, arctic-pods caught my eye at first though, i'm pretty sure that kent phyto-feast is ''dead', so wanna switch it up, gonna start stocking up on sps again, and i know that they need better quality stuff like oyster eggs, thanks again guys

Myka 01-01-2008 05:08 AM

The biggest difference is particle size between Reef Roids and Coral Frenzy. If I were to feed only one it would be Coral Frenzy as the particle size range is huge from 53-1700 microns. Even small fish will eat Coral Frenzy. Where Reef Roids particle size is limited to only 150-200 microns.

bv_reefer 01-01-2008 06:51 AM

coral frenzy' probably the way to go. it's so true though, it's hard to feed softies and sps, as sps want the really small stuff like oyster eggs as where lps want big stuff like mysis and brine shrimp, and soft corals somewhere in the middle want phytoplankton :neutral:

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