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Coldwater 12-30-2007 10:27 PM

How to heat a 2.5 Gallon?
As the title says. I was thinks putting a small heater in on a lower temperature would work but I have no clue. I got the tank from a buddy for free and I thought it would be a cool invert only tank. Thanks.


untamed 12-30-2007 11:03 PM

Just purchase a small heater. I ran a 5 gallon for years on a 25W heater. I suppose if the thermostat on the heater ever stuck (which they do...) it could go bad quickly though.

midgetwaiter 12-30-2007 11:24 PM

Hydor makes a little 8w heater.

Chaloupa 12-31-2007 02:44 AM

I had a 25w on my 2.5g "reef" tank...worked like a charm...I kept it in the AC mini filter I had on the back so it didn't take up tank room!:biggrin:

Coldwater 12-31-2007 05:41 AM

How do you fit a 25 watt heater into a five gallon? I think I am gonna look into the Hydor heater. Also Chaloupa what mini filter did you use? I think your idea is great. Thanks for the input.


Chaloupa 12-31-2007 06:06 AM

I just used an Aquaclear I think they call it mini....cut a hole in the top for the heater to poke out of, and only had sponge and a small amt. of sand in the filter....I didn't have a fish just some inverts but the temp was alway just required frequent top ups...that was my only beef...I'll try to find a pic for ya

Chaloupa 12-31-2007 06:19 AM

Chaloupa 12-31-2007 06:21 AM

It grew corals well with the coralife 18w light...tons of light for such a small tank...the macro's grew too well and required quite a bit of pruning...but it was fun...OK for a while I did have a panda goby and a flaming prawn goby...but you never saw them so I moved them out of it to another nano

Coldwater 12-31-2007 06:41 AM

WOW! That is a thing of beauty. Well thats the way I am gonna go. Whats the plumbing in the back? Thanks for the help.


Farrmanchu 12-31-2007 03:49 PM

I run a 4.4 Gallon, with the only heat source being the pump and lights. Tank drops to 77 at night, up to 79 during the day with lights on.

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