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asherah 12-30-2007 04:57 AM

About my spelling just so everyone knows
A few of the keys on my keyoard don't work
It is a macbook pro so I can't just get a new keyboard
I'm looking into getting it fixed so please bear with me
I can spell very well and I make every effort to correct mistakes in my posts before I post them by pasting letters
Sometimes I miss a few so I hope you can forgive me for a few mistakes until I get the keys fixed

thank you very much

Nicole8ca 12-30-2007 04:59 AM

Oh sure...:wink:

asherah 12-30-2007 05:07 AM

my daughter spilled water on the bottom row of my keys =p
she's only 2 so I couldn't be too mad at her lol
tho hubby was pretty mad at me =o

SeaHorse_Fanatic 12-30-2007 06:23 AM

Oh... and the dog ate your homework too, eh:wink:

Is your daughter into the "terrible twos" because we're about to have our first and have all these new experiences to look forward to?

Hmmmm, gotta child-proof my computer as well as my fish tanks:sad:


Chaloupa 12-30-2007 07:00 AM

Asherah! That would be awful to have that happen to a Mac....I feel for ya!

terrible two's is NOTHING....I have a son that is 3.5 years old...I think the terrible 2's just prepare you for the nightmare 3's!!! Anthony, look what you have to look forward to! No really, 3 is MUCH worse than 2

mark 12-30-2007 07:07 AM

Can always run spell-checker from the message box, should get most.

Moogled 12-30-2007 07:24 AM

It is oky bcus tis prblem happns to the bst of us. :D :D

(Bsids, vry1 knows what you r typin).


Chaloupa 12-30-2007 07:27 AM

nice one Moogled! Too funny!

asherah 12-30-2007 08:03 AM

haha so funny =p

yeh try 4's arghhh I swear potty training is the worst! my 4year old so has some hang up about #2 in the potty
anyway TmI i'm sure =p


I dont see a spell checker ?

Kabong 12-30-2007 10:31 AM

Download IESpell,
It integrates its self into IE and lets you spell check everything.

See how well it works, I can even spell fancy words like integrates:biggrin:

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