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rudy 12-29-2007 04:55 PM

Cyano problems
How do I get rid of this stuff? Red slime (the yellow stuff) does not work. What else can I try?

It is a 9 gallon aquamedic nano wave but the stuff seems to follow me!!

Der_Iron_Chef 12-29-2007 04:58 PM

Have you tried Chemi-Clean? What type of flow do you have?

rudy 01-02-2008 03:46 PM

It is a 9 gallon aquamedic nano wave with the normal pump and a Koralyia.. nano 400 gph powerhead.

I have tried Chemiclean, the US version (red slime remover), and some other powerful chemical and the crap keeps blooming.

Reefer Rob 01-02-2008 04:30 PM

If your nitrates and phosphates are already low leaving your lights off for 2 or 3 days should take care of it. When you run your lights again start with 1/2 day and slowly work back up to normal. The main thing is finding what is feeding it.

Farrmanchu 01-02-2008 05:02 PM

I get Cyano when I get lazy and don't rinse frozen Mysis before feeding. Whatever liquid that is in the Mysis block seems to fuel Cyano. Also overfeeding in general is a cause.

hummer 01-02-2008 05:17 PM

Decreasing the amount of light and doing more frequent water changes got rid of cyano for me.

vazgor 01-02-2008 06:10 PM

i hate the stuff too
i used to get a bloom about once a munth but now i use the zeovit rocks to remove nitrates and phospates and it seams to have stoped i dont use all the zeofit stuff just the rocks and they seam to have cleared up alot of my problems i have way less algee in oh and some carbon aswell

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