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seanoman 12-19-2007 04:34 PM

*UPDATED* Custom 220 Inwall Build
Hey I finally recieved my tank yesterday from Aquarium Obsessed. This tank is 72" long by 30" deep by 24" high. My wife and I are so excited that it finally arrived, as we had ordered it 4 months ago. I just took the top of the packaging and this thing looks like a beauty.

Now I just got to figure out how to get this beast down stairs to its new home.

I will keep everyone posted with lots of pics and updates.

seanoman 12-19-2007 05:03 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are a couple pics of the tank before they shipped it out from Ontario.

Hope this works, as I a have never posted with pics before.

steve fedyk 12-19-2007 07:51 PM

I can lift heavy things for beer, if you need some help.:biggrin:

Delphinus 12-19-2007 08:01 PM

Looks great! Wow, 4 months, yeah the anticipation must be agonizing! :lol:

Can't wait to see the final product in action.

Those external overflows are a great idea.

seanoman 12-19-2007 08:31 PM

Yeha I got that idea from Superfudge after being amazed at his whole setup.

He is the inspiration for a lot of this build

seanoman 12-19-2007 08:35 PM

Hey steve thanks for the offer. Unfortunately I can only fit about 2 people on each end going down the stairs and I have already recruited brothers and fathers to help with that.

Redrover 12-19-2007 09:39 PM

Lookinggggggggg can't go wrong talking to Marc as he is one hell of a craftsman...I've seen alot of his work...:onfire:

Electric eel 12-19-2007 11:19 PM

I can help with the electrical work! (Electrical Contractor)

mseepman 12-19-2007 11:24 PM

That tank looks great. I was looking to purchase almost the exact same tank but 26" high. How well did it travel? Could I ask roughly what you paid and what parts are starfire? Did they just paint the back and overflows or is that some type of starboard? How is the silicon job?

I was really happy with how quickly AO answered my questions and I hear their tanks rock. I'm just waiting for my builder to let me know when he'll have time to start my new house where this will be going.

seanoman 12-19-2007 11:26 PM

we should have posted things up sooner, I didn't think we'd have people offer to help so easily. The electrical is all done already, we are actually ready to load it onto the stand. I will post more pics soon of the build.

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