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DJ88 01-20-2003 03:58 AM

Bored..... So....
I Build.....

I build....


I am....


kgb 01-20-2003 04:40 AM

so what is it i dont know what it is ?
hehe my guess which will probably wrong but is it a calcium reactor

clintyiu 01-20-2003 04:42 AM

So what is it? Ca reactor?

The base looks a little weak in holding all that water.

Troy F 01-20-2003 04:42 AM

That middle piece looks like it was cut on a bit of an angle but over all it looks pretty good. I'm not big on the assembly but your cuts are fantastic!


DJ88 01-20-2003 05:08 AM


The base looks a little weak in holding all that water.
:?: :? :?: :? :?: :?

Holding all of what water? Weak? Lost me here. Explain Si vous plait.

Yeah it is a Ca reactor. Put it together tonight for something to do. Plumbing completion TBA.


That middle piece looks like it was cut on a bit of an angle
Well I guess the guy who cut it would notice those imperfections and flaws. ;) :D

For those who haven't put it together it is a up-flow/down-flow reactor in one. The 'H' shaped PVC widget is where the water is pushed into the reaction chamber transiting up over the middle baffle(cut on an angle if I may add) and then down through the right hand side into the pump intake. There is a thin diameter piece of tubing next to the baffle which will be connected to the effluent outflow. It runs all the way to the bottom of the reactor just prior to the outlet to the pump to ensure the minimum possible CO2 leaving the reactor after passing through both the up and down flow of the reactor.

By having the upflow then downflow any particulate matter created by the rubbing of the media will be trapped in the downflow section of the reactor and the foam pad that will be on top of the drilled section of acrylic(strainer).

Once the main plumbing is completed and I can pressure test the whole thing I will load it with media and water then find where any possible collection of CO2 will occur. When I find this spot I will insert a recirc line which will then 'T' into the CO2 line and then into a small venturi I am building to ensure some suction drawing any excess CO2 back into the pump with the CO2 feed.

Plain as mud. Right?

StirCrazy 01-20-2003 05:19 AM

what I don;t understand is why you need a Ca reactor for a fish only, or have you changed your mind? :wink:


Troy F 01-20-2003 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy
what I don;t understand is why you need a Ca reactor for a fish only, or have you changed your mind? :wink:


If you saw the flow he's got planned for that 30 you'd really begin to wonder what he's planning.

StirCrazy 01-20-2003 06:35 AM

LOL, is it something like Titus and his 20 gal?


DJ88 01-31-2003 12:44 AM

bit of an update for those interested.


15-18 BPM

effluent 6.9 @ ~24dKh.

Working better than expected.


StirCrazy 01-31-2003 01:01 AM

How big is that Darren?


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