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nikygm 10-21-2007 04:34 AM

Biocube pricing
i just bought a 29 biocube in calgary from golds aquarium for $279 thought it was a sweet price since they are $429 at big al's in edmonton, i like to support local businesses but $150 difference is worth the drive. just thought i would share that

Veng68 10-21-2007 09:07 AM

Is that a miss price? I think it's ~400ish at J & L also for the 29 cube.


nikygm 03-02-2008 06:13 PM

no thats not a miss price cause its sitting in my living room right now

prosnow 03-02-2008 06:21 PM

with or without stand, what lighting does it have,

nikygm 03-02-2008 06:27 PM

it has the stock lighting on it, maybe add two more of the lights that it comes with they have kits on i built my own stand out of 3/4" mdf kinda made it overkill and doubled up the top, bottom and sides and primed it and painted it gloss black. and stocked it with 2 false percs, 1 coral beauty, 1 psychedelic mandarin goby, 2 cleaner shrimp, 3 blue legged crabs and 1 blue/black knuckled crab

VFX 03-02-2008 07:04 PM

Dropped by J&L, Big Al's and also King Ed's yesterday.

Biocube 29g prices were:

King Ed's $299
J&L $299
Big Al's $349

So $279 is a damned good price!

The stands were priced at $139 (J&L) and $169 (King Ed's).

nikygm - do you have any pics of your set-up?



Myka 03-02-2008 08:09 PM

Those $400 and $479 prices must include the stands.

Good snag for $279! :)

nikon187 03-02-2008 11:37 PM

no the $400 ones dont come with stands

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