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super7 10-10-2007 02:14 AM

Problem With Chromis
Hey I have four blue green chromis and one is really getting picked on. He has some missing finnage(nips here and there) and a gash along the top of his head. Wondering how to prevent infection and aggression. This is a reef tank that has been running for just under 2 months. The other fish are fine though, same with the snails,toadstool and zoos.

Thanks Super7

niloc16 10-10-2007 02:35 AM

what size tank do you have them in. i've heard of a school picking off a couple until they are at a size where they feel comfortable. maybe 4 is too many for your size tank? just a guess

super7 10-10-2007 02:44 AM

My tank is a 65 gallon. The store where I work at has the same size tank with way more fish so I thought maybe too few.
No clue
Thanks Super7

justinl 10-10-2007 01:30 PM

a 65 is too small to harbour any more than one chromis imo. theyll pick each other off until there is eventually only one left.

a fish store is a much different situation for any fish situation. in an lfs the tanks are so crowded that fish have so much competition that none of them can even establish any kind of territory. there is also the fact that oftentimes the fish arent left in the tank long enough to show any aggressive behaviour.

Der_Iron_Chef 10-10-2007 02:26 PM

I have two chromis in a 55G, but they do square off semi-regularly. I used to have 4. I'm not sure what you *can* do.

seashells 10-10-2007 03:10 PM

I had 4 in a 75...Three stuck together but the 4th was left out, an outcast of sorts. Anyway took 2 out & the all fot along.

ed99 10-10-2007 03:14 PM

I had the same problem- started with 7 chromis and ended up with 4 in a 92 gal. It seems if they are not threatened they will drop the schooling behaviour and become more territorial with each other. I have heard that adding a small damsel can add enough peskiness to the tank that the chromis will stay in a school but never tried that myself. There was a thread on this subject a little while ago, seems few people have success unless they have a large tank.

michika 10-10-2007 03:15 PM

I used to have like 10 in my 230, they schooled for about a year and then suddenly they turned in on themselves and started picking each other off. I had 4 when the 230g came down.

whosinpower 10-10-2007 05:28 PM

I was planning on having 4 blue chromis in my 90 gallon reeftank. Tank is still (will it ever end?) cycling - so I was researching and reading up on livestock - fishes and corals.

Now, with this information...I am rethinking my plan......hmmmmm.....

super7 10-11-2007 12:49 AM

I have been watching the Chromis at work for a while. There is a Maroon clown in there and a half black angel. They have also been there for a while. I never saw any fighting between them when they were in the store and I work mainly in the salt section (cleaning tanks, feeding, etc.) I will be picking up a pair of maroon clowns so maybe that will solve the problem.
Thanks Super7

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