Canreef Aquatics Bulletin Board

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Chin_Lee 09-26-2007 11:14 PM

Clown - Percula True Amphiprion percula
Please provide your experience in this poll:
  • Use the top 9 poll questions if your fish has passed away.
  • Use the bottom 7 poll questions if you currently own this fish.
  • Multiple polls are allowed.
  • Select the best answer to the best of your knowledge.
  • Adding comments or elaborating on the cause of death in a post is encouraged.
The options are as follows:

died within 0-3 months
died within 4-6 months
died within 7-9 months
died within 10-12 months
died within 13-18 months
died within 19-24 months
died within 2-3 years
died within 3-4 years
died after 5 years +
currently alive 0-6 months
currently alive 7-12 months
currently alive over 1 year
currently alive over 2 years
currently alive over 3 years
currently alive over 4 years
currently alive 5 years +

Otardifus 07-14-2012 02:36 PM

I have 2 true perculas.I have hade omen for 6 years and I just got another one from a canreefer 3 monts ago. They totaly hang out together.
Omen is my favorite fish and he has survived all of my biginner mistakes!
Clown fish is a must have for any reef tank.

Snaz 07-14-2012 02:42 PM

Clowns are piggish boring bullies. If it was not for that Disney movie "which shall not be named" and my kids I would not be cursed with this horrible fish. I don't like cats either.
/grouchy old man off

reefgirl189 07-14-2012 02:44 PM

I bought two of these guys and had them shipped up to me. One died that very night, I suspect due to the stress of shipping, and the other one is still going strong and seems quite healthy. He was the first fish I added into my tank and he's been through all of my trials and tribulations so far.

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